Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Why the USA Government is a loser

 Dustin your comments suggest you were properly placed in gruntdom. Will you tell me your wages in grunt service compared to contractor wages..? 

Did you purposfully leave USA  military for higher pay as contractor.? 
The USA has lost every war since WW2.  Further, if you compare the estimated cost per kill 10 cents/kill by the Afganistan/Iraqi freedom fighters versus $1,000,000 /kill USA cost. Our economy is war based/ we must continuously demonize people so the fodder "supply" continues. 
What have the Iraqi/Afanistan people done to the USA.?

Do what you want to do.. believe what you want to believe..but..don't send your children to gruntdom..They may comeback minus their legs and balls. It doesn't cost very much to make an IED. 

The USA is war-mongering to the point that our own infastructure is falling bapart.. 

Our USA coalitions  Ferocity has reduced Iraq and Afganistan to rubble...Our contractors and president (bush) laugh about how Iraq/Afganistan are going to have to hire Halliburton et. al. to rebuild...

The damage i see is equal in ferocity to the Tsunami reducing whole neighborhoods to knee-hi ruble.

 And we claim to be agents of good ? 

The cost of reducing Iraq/Afganistan to rubble is estimated one trillion dollars and counting. You and your children will have continuing bills for taking care of American-grunts  until they die..  The right wing officier corps calls you hero's to your face and losers behind your back.  Like all vets you must believe the lies you are told, in order to survive.. Every kill on both sides puts money in the pockets of the rich war-mongers that care-not for the USA. 

The men and women who believed and put their balls tits and lives on the line while their officiers hide in the green-zone plotting they're next promotion...You don't need to believe the lies anymore and you can mourn your lost and injured comrades...

God Bless America.DailyKos

Why We Need to Change the GI Bill of Rights

I'm very disturbed about the police in america...I know we all hate the police BUT ! who ya gonna call when you really need help.. What is wrong? Why have the police started killing and pushing civilians?
Because they can ?.
Lets talk about the G.I. Bill...which i know little about..other then it paid for part of my college education......
It also allows GI's to compete for gov't jobs..Applying 15 extra points to the scores on the tests...This was designed to allow grunts a chance to compete with those whom didn't serve and weren't drafted..
Truth is, it was and is one of the best/most successful bills ever.
So, what we're talking about is..to much of a good thing.
Many GI's took the civil service exams and became policemen..Thus the start of professionalism in law enforcement..I mention professionalism because, it was at the end of WWII and the gov't was sharing equiptment with local police, who needed it.. If I remember correctly, regular beat policemen didn't carry guns..neither did the game wardens or state and federal park workers..Now of course the average policemen wear pistols, AK47's, bear spray, nightclubs etc.
What have been the cumulative effects over the last 60 years ?
America braggs that it has the finest military in the world with the best training..The worlds best military training has come home to roost in our local and national policeforces. This is were the "thin blue line" of old is gone. Our local police have the Federal Gov't for backup: Homeland Security, The National Guard and local policeforces have combined..
Surprisingly, their enemy is the citizens of the USA..specifically Liberals.
American citizens never saw it coming..Our police are Family...we never expected to have summary executions carried out by masked men carrying ak47s backed up by M-wraps killing my neighbor. A poor bastard, who tried to surrender but was met by 20 police wearing masks and 20 shot clips all firing in a 1 second burst..turning the victim into swiss cheese..He was wanted for a nonviolent crime.. That's why we need to change the GI bill of rights.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

what a postamatic autocratic america would look like if goptea party rules.ass backweirding

ferguson county misz
what the postamatic autocratic america as based on actual community wood look like in the conservative america. based actual city is made actual employment and good jobs environment Fe
rguson Miz and Ferguson County Miz
aparttied america
Assback wards 1968 FBI files  on marijuana lfirstcops ed t lied they are the weapons of white supereo party
I'll pay the fine tra la la.must take  a close look at job distribution in all jobs in gv'ment ferguson mo federal, state, county and in all the pollitical jobs in ferguson mo

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Are we Blessed

    Talk about a Free TomTurkey ? 
I left here at 2:30 to get a turkey and the trimmings...Here in Spokane they have "Toms Turkey Drive" t every year.  It use to be they  had the Salvation Army do it.  It was hectic but worked pretty good..
Then, they moved it to the arena....yes we have a arena....It was cold..it was rainy.. it was,,well nasty..There was this long line that stretched in switchbacks clear down to riverfront park...
    Rocky was in his element, he said hi to hundreds of Turkey Getters...They loved Rocky..he's beautiful because he gets  to go for a walk every day and he gets to eat, good food that includes all kinds of raw vegetables except onions.  He also browses plants for some reason...and its not any plant either,he goes back to the same plants...so far three or four different..
    We froze, standing in line stalwart,resolute, absolutely having a good time with others, Rocky saying hi!  What an icebreaker.  I've met so many wonderful people all because of Rocky and whats interesting is how the blood pressure goes down of the entire group..being happy and wanting to get along...I,m stunned how people take to him. After standing in line for an hour we finaly got under the roof overhang where it was dry...a blessing..we had been rewarded for our fortitude..A couple more switchbacks and we'd get inside whear  it is heated....Yea!!!
Inside, once i warmed up a little bit, ..i went to the bathroom Yeaa!!
Enough toilet talk and poop jokes.. Not only that but i got to sit-down.  rocky got to lay-down on the heated floor.   We were in heaven...And then a Turkey, and potatoes apples and trimmings and a nice volunteer lady of 50 +/- who asked me if i could carry the turkey, she would carry the rest.  So off we went we had journeyed all around the arena and were back whear we had started. My van a football field away...We arrived and said thanks...a-lot!
I'm impressed by Spokane City at its best.
When we got home, Rocky ate all the dogfood and i gave him one of his favorite treats.  Which he devored and promptly crashed..It was 5:30
Are we blessed?

Monday, November 24, 2014

No good deed goes unpunished"

My friends:  I must report that my neighbor from hell is at it again...Last nite i took rocky for a walk around the block.. it was at 5:30-6:00 pm Pitch black out..I walked past my neighbors house. To make sure i didn't violate the restraining order I walked around his truck in the middle of the street to be sure and just to make sure i decided to return using cleveland instead of the alley..  Don't get me wrong, I believe i have a right to use the alley or sidewalk unless they are visibly within 50 ft of me, in which case i have to move 50 ft away from this paranoid asshole--to keep the peace.  He also has to stay 50 ft away from my property if I'm present outside..If we are both outside..we should keep our mouths shut and ignore each other.
Last weekend, he claimed rocky bite him in the alley and he claims that rocky is a vicous animal which i am failing to restrain and i have two tckets which total 174$, which i'm appealing.  A hearing is to be held on Dec 5th.
I believe Brody Jett is planning to kill me or rocky..He is at present setting up things so he is the victim and justified to kill.  He is using the restraining order and scraps (animal control) reports to back him up.
My friend and I believe he is using Psy Ops he has learned at survival school to distroy me.
He is using the very fact that i'm a good neighbor that doesn't want the police involved to his advantage in reporting first.  Brody has assualted me twice-- to throw my ceramic bird feeder at me when I told him to get off my property, when I thought he was coming over to thank me for keeping his dog safe..  Then at the backyard fence when he ordered me into my own house or he was going to call the cops because he is a homeowner who has superior property rights..
This incident culminated in threatening to get his taser and shoot me!  I stayed at the fence, protecting my property rights to "use my property".  He went into his house and returned to the fence with a pink taser "his wifes"?  He repeatadly turned it on...It crackled and scared me ---but i would not be moved...Rocky was at my side...the  only time i've ever heard him growl...He knew we were being threatened by this madman...
I have thought about reporting this behavior to the airforce as i do not feel he should represent the USA...But, i've restrained myself..
All I want is a good neighbor like

I have thought about reporting this behavior to the airforce as i do not feel he should represent the USA...But, i've restrained myself..
All I want is a good neighbor like me and our other neighbors.  I walked dowthe aalley the otherday AKU ..is now full grown..He has been fixed and his behavior changed completely for he better..It;s to bad he has been sentenced to a life in a 4X10 kennel.. If he goes mad because he doesn't have a pack or family, he will be just like all the other dogs abandoned in their backyards who are not allowed in and have no social skills.  But i know that I and my neighbors have done our best to make a AK a nice dog..My neighbor, who has three little boys, was afraid of AK and made her boys go inside the fencefor protection..  But, AK being so smart, not only let himself out of his kennel...He let himself into her backyard...so he could play with her puppy...She later told me that she told Brody that she would take AK if wanted.  He walked by my house while i was sitting on my porch, thus violating the protection order.  I didn't say anything because he needed to get his dog from the people who had taken over the job of protecting AK...
Fact is : Brody jett is to stupid to say thanks..  The next time he got out he was picked up by SCRAPS and had to pay a fine and have his pit bull castrated to get him back

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gov't intrusion and thoughts on Israel

Facebook has changed their privacy policies...for example, i received a message posted by val on facebook but auto sent to me..I know, if val wants to send a message to me she doesn't need facebook.  The gov't sent me a message about veterans.  Maybe i'm an old crudmugion but, i don't want emergency messages from the gov't or the president.  As a member of the "duck and cover" generation.,.I deeply resent the gov't creating fear in my home or America in general.  The gov't treets its citizens like cattle, to be pushed around, herded,  propagandized and in general told what to believe, who to support and what to do.  I,m sick and tired of being part of a country which has become the greatest terrorist organization in history !  A country who foreign policy has resulted in 70 yrs of War.  A country which believes in "manifest destiny" like Israel who believes that they have a right to the "promised land"  As a born again christian i know my rights end where yours start..I personally believe the jews were given their promised land...Gods promise became manifest when jeruselem was established.  As a christian i believe they lost there right to Israel when they killed my christ, my messiah, my lord and savior.  The proof is in the diaspora where the jews were  scattered across the globe.  As far as i know God has not talked to them in 2000 yrs since he scattered them like leaves falling from a tree..They are sinners and must be born again in order for peace to come to them..  Just as in Christs time on earth they are too busy counting money and worshipping the golden calf to pay any attention to God..After 70 years of support i reject them and their nation.  One last thing American jews are the greatest traitors in American history.  One of them is in jail as i write.  They would sell the USA if the price was right.  The proof is in their American history..  If God wanted them in Israel he would make way for them..like Josua blowing his horn and the walls came tumbling down.http://twitter.com/mrproam

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

About Rocky

To answer vals question about rocky...the saga continues...My neighbor from hell (airforce) claims rocky bit him. Scraps(animal control) told me to quatrantine him for 10 days. Rocky has and is current on his rabies shots..I do not believe rocky bite anyone...scraps sent me two tickets - totaling 174$. I challenged the fine and a hearing is to be held on dec 5. it is true that rocky has a history of wandering. However, he's been getting better at staying home or not goin...g more then a half block...None of my immediate neighbors have complained ...as far as i know. my neighbors play BB and allow their dogs out off leash. Rocky is so well behaved it's ridiculouse..Best dog i've had by far! We all get along, except for my (airforce brody jett) neighbor from hell who by the way cut my neighbors cable twice...it went over his property...paranoia...My other neighbor (special forces) doesn't like him because he insulted his wife...One other thing...I thought rocky's license was good forever...but scraps...says i have to renue every year to the tune of 42$...But what really bugs me the most is: Women...Why do they all want to cut his nuts off ? He's a good boy, handles himself extremely well from the Hospital to Safeway...Most people could take a page out of his book and unlike most people I can trust him home alone. I actually took two sticks and placed them across from garage to house 10ft, and told him not to cross and he didn't ... I told him not to go in front or behind my neighbors...and he doesn't...I can't teach him to fetch the mail..the mailpeople classify him a good dog..but, amazingly he won't touch anything on the countertop...but i'm not goingb to tempt him with a t-bone either....
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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Letter to Facebook family and friends 71st. b'day

My b'day is August 16.  I,m being forced to accept the simple reality that i,ve out lived my clothes.. I,m trying to live on 1,006$/mo + 37$ in food stamps.  In away i,m being punished for living  at home--which i dearly luv..Dshs wants me to live in senior housing which would save me several hundred dollars / mo.  and maybe i should ! but i love gardening and puttering around i have a boat 12 ft and motors .  Fact is i,ve got great neighbors with one exception..

my b,day wishes:  I,m looking for used/new sweatshirts X-lg, i like zippered  and hooded sweatshirts-I've got size 13 or 14 foot size and need socks and walking shoes..also a nice winter jacket would be nice.  I gave my last winter jacket to a fellow who was being transported to Wisconsin and he needed it more then me.

I went fishing yesterday.  For the first time i lost a rod overboard then rocky managed to step on and break my other rod.  My tackle box was stolen out of the boat.. I,m looking forward to fishing this fall on the spokane river.  I,ve lost all my spinners and spoons (my favorite way of fishing)  all to a good cause though, the bottom of the river/fish.  I like Mepps but i,ve had good luck with Bud spinners , which are much cheaper.. So i don,t mind using them.. used lures are also ok..as long as they have paint/shine I have to replace the hooks with singles anyway. Fishing rod and reel are on my wish list.  I especially like Zebco closed face spinning reels  33XBL..They are cheap 15-30$  Rods need to be stiff and 6 or 7 ft...15-30$

I,m living  my life under Gods Grace  I was telling Holly yesterday that my life is so blessed...I don,t understand why? why me lord..what have I ever done?  But blessed I am and I accept Gods Grace..

My address is 2811 n. oak st. Spokane ,wa...tele# 5097014178

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Life, AKU, musing on gardens and threats

sAt 70 I still don,t know what i should have done or more importantly what i,m going to do...Years ago i didn,t want to get involved with computers...but i,m glad i did...I love learning and wanted to go back to school,...But why i was 50..I was 60..and now 70...what a rush life has been..what an adventure !  I talked to my brother Doug and he refuses to get a computer..With all his millions.  Large boat stored in Minnesota..He is finished and doesn,t want to move forward...I feel sorry for him..refusing to move off his money...He lives in Tampa, but he is afraid of the water and is convinced he,ll be eaten.  Meanwhile i,m bobbing up and down in the surf, looking for the next wave.  I,ve tried to teach Holly, Tom and all my children to enjoy learning and to bring into view and reality they,re dreams..This adventure called life, is an amazing gift that requires constant learning and changing.  So much fun!  We don,t dwell on the bad stuff but look forward to sunnier days.  Right now I,m having problems with my neighbor. over his dog which they are neglecting,  This man has threatened to kill me twice.  The last time he told me to go into my house, or he would call the cops..I said NO ! and got bullish and would not..He threatened to come over the fence...I said c'mon asshole..whereupon he said he was going to shoot me with his Taser...He actually ran into his house and got his taser,  actually it was pink. He rushed back to the fence, jumping up and down, A truly frightening experience..Nose to nose, my neck was bowed...He looked enormous.  He kept pressing the button, the taser going zzzz/n/crackling.  I was nose to nose with a gorilla ( no slight intended) I wondered what it would fell like, but i would not be moved..So it ended i thought..My sin on this occassion was filling his dogs (AKU) dish with water from my hose..As usual no food or water for his dog who use to be full of life, but now is depressed but not angry because I talk to him every day and tell him to have a big heart,  that there is  better days coming..He has to carry this burden and we don,t know why...But we must carry our burdens...I know its silly but I,ve prayed over this dog and asked God, NO Demanded that God, find him a new home where he will have a yard, (he,s been in a 4X6 kennel since he was born)..and an owner who will take care of him. He hasn,t given up yet ! and I haven,t either..A cop came by the other day and gave me a summons.. My neighbor is asking that i be required to stay 50 ft away from him,his wife and his daughter.  He claims that I have asked him numerous times if I "could have a playdate with his 2 year old daughter...He is despicable!  Lucky me..I don,t even know his daughters name, have never met her, I have never been a guest in their home. They have never been a guest in my home. We have never been together.  It is amazing what this man will do to get his way..Thrusday is the big day.  I must be strong.  I am Righteous.aid NO ! and got bullish and would not..He threatened to come over the fence...I said c'mon asshole..whereupon he said he was going to shoot me with his Taser...He actually ran into his house and got his taser,  actually it was pink. He rushed back to the fence, jumping up and down, A truly frightening experience..Nose to nose, my neck was bowed...He looked enormous.  He kept pressing the button, the taser going zzzz/n/crackling.  I was nose to nose with a gorilla ( no slight intended) I wondered what it would fell like, but i would not be moved..So it ended i thought..My sin on this occassion was filling his dogs (AKU) dish with water from my hose..As usual no food or water for his dog who use to be full of life, but now is depressed but not angry because I talk to him every day and tell him to have a big heart,  that there is  better days coming..He has to carry this burden and we don,t know why...But we must carry our burdens...I know its silly but I,ve prayed over this dog and asked God, NO Demanded that God, find him a new home where he will have a yard, (he,s been in a 4X6 kennel since he was born)..and an owner who will take care of him. He hasn,t given up yet ! and I haven,t either..A cop came by the other day and gave me a summons.. My neighbor is asking that i be required to stay 50 ft away from him,his wife and his daughter.  He claims that I have asked him numerous times if I "could have a playdate with his 2 year old daughter...He is despicable!  Lucky me..I don,t even know his daughters name, have never met her, I have never been a guest in their home. They have never been a guest in my home. We have never been together.  It is amazing what this man will do to get his way..Thrusday is the big day.  I must be strong.  I am Righteous.

my garden

I can,t understand grow degree days overview and accumulation..how does it work..i live in spokane city..

Gardening in eiffy Weather

  • I just want to know if my garden will grow and when? Everty spring in town we have a wk of warm weather followed by 3 wks of cold weather. the plants stop growing and are asaulted by pests.. Last year it was in the 60,sF until june 26, then turned bl...See More
  • Robert M Ramstad This spring i used plastic cover for may and june...I discovered half my problem is the finches love to eat my garden..They love tender greens esp my beets, lettuce and peas. I,m starting to wonder if they can hear the seeds growing under ground...I think they can..
  • Robert M Ramstad I also would like you to know that the food chain here in spokane is breaking.. I haven,t seen any grasshoppers or other insects. The trout population in the Spokane River is very healthy, but will overtime change because of no insects... I have seen ...See More

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Garden Blues

I just want to know if my garden will grow and when?  Everty spring in town we have a wk of warm weather followed by 3 wks of cold weather.  the plants stop growing and are asaulted by pests.. Last year it was in the 60,sF until june 26, then turned blazing hot.  on june 15 i journied to pasco..my corn was 5 ' high ..pasco 18 " high...This year, i,m using willow hoops and clear plastic...seems much better..it,s 80 today but will return to 60,s shortly..My plastic seems to give a 10 degree gain on cloudy days and soil temps r also higher..I,m hopeing for an extra month of growth degree days so my carrots and beets as well as tomatoes will grow. Last year my corn failed and my garden was iffy!  I put a lot of work in my garden...for naught... suggestions?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ham Lake continued

I think we actually only spent a summer at Ham Lake.  For some reason I,ve never forgotten it.  It really was a special summer. 
         Ham Lake was an eutrophic Lake (swamp) The shoreline was lilly pads all around.  It was hard to get to the middle of the lake and i don,t remember any boats.. Our access to the center was on a dock?? that was a 10 " wide and way long.  Even at my age i was afraid to walk all the way out.  This was actually what made it so special.  The people with money had their summer cabins on proper lakes , with proper shorelines.  Yup, Ham lake had been abandoned.  The shoreline cabins had been abandoned by all , cept for the poor.  I was beginning to get a sense that we were wear we belonged.  (there,s a tongue twister!)  I didn,t care.
          Ham lake was where my mom met Walt, my future father.  It was where my mother attempted to drive..  This experiment ended with a jolting start and an equally jolting crash into a tree.  My mother got out of the car fuming "I,m never going to drive again...and she didn,t.  My father to be was tall, fair, handsome and of course long suffering.  Why he married my mom and six kids, I never did really understand.  It had something to do with Love, a mysterious thing that to this day i don,t understand.  But, Loves effects are real and lifelong..I witnessed it,s birth.  I was in awe, an incredibly hopeful awe...a new dad, something i,d never had.. Something everyone else had and took for granted.  I might even become a regular person.
          I just remember a few things about our cottage.  specifically the red hand pump that we used to bring water into our home with.  I can,t remember what they,re called now.  But they,re all Red for some reason.  My memory, isn,t what it  use to be, it floats. 
          But i remember my first school!  It was an american classic.  One room, one teacher and all the kids from kindergarten to eigth grade.. It was set up simply, each row being a different grade and it was expected that the older kids would help  the younger.  The teacher moved the whole class forward.  I believe that this is still the best model for schools because it involves every student. Each student becomes a teacher and an example of community which the youngest are going to be part of.  All i really remember is the Teacher laughing and forgiving my bad behavior...I can,t remember what it was..  But, i remember seeing and hearing my teachers laugh from my hi-perch in a big maple tree..  She laughed, she said she had never seen anybody go up a tree like that!  Me looking down on her.
          What has spurred these memories is a conversation i h
ad with my good friend Ken.  Ken is from Mississippi (what a deliteful word)  He mentioned that down there he had gone to a museum and had seen an ice wagon. That delivered ice to local homes.  I told him that I had actually ridden an ice wagon to the cabins around Ham  lake.  This brought memories of a big ol red barn. That barn was  special. there was tons of sawdust everywhere.  But buried under the sawdust treasure in the form of ice. Big blocks of ice 2X4 ft?  We would go get some ice and put it on our wagon.  Then, we,d proceed from cabin to cabin and fill up everyones ice chest--to keep things fresh.  The driver of the wagon was dark and wrinkled from the sun.  The wagon pulled by a mule.  It was fun! and my brothers and sisters used to sneek down to that barn to play.  My brother doug use to convince use to grab on to a rope and he would pull us across the barn, eventually leaving us dangling in the middle of the barn.  We had to figure out how to get ourselves down..  But if we couldn,t he,d rescue us.  Better or face moms wrath!
             That,s really all i remember about ham lake the bugs the turtles the long narrow dock?  An absolute treasure for a kid.  Today, Ham lake is an 18 hole golf course in Minneapolis,s  khaki clad, turtle icon,d  players.. Maybe some day i,ll go see it.  I,ll put it on my todo list after Ft. Snelling.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Everything you,ll ever need to know about colonoscopyies

I,ve just finished my second colonoscopy sp? "O Joy" no problems. according to the doctor my colon is a true beauty. so, onward towards 80--can you believe it? I feel sorry for all you suckers who need one..The Ducolax 12 tabs and sodium ?? really do clean you out in the 24 hrs of fasting before hand. my advice... make sure all your underware is clean and folded, make sure you have plenty of clean towels available, and lastly have a carton of toilet paper on hand..PS some ankle catchers might come in handy--so you don,t have to wash the floor...
PSS!.... Don,t forget to put a rubber on your bed!
SEE: now you know what wisdom is!

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spokane Wa. thugs

No one should support Bloomsday/Hoopfest where police are executioneers and Mr gerlach can kill (murder) and be exonerated 12/0..  Gerlach bragged about the shot-  thru the head- on the witness stand.  The same week the police firing squad, killed a suspected petty thief 1.5 seconds after he came outside at there request..The next wk the swat team in cour de lane were forced to go into a house,  when suspect refused to leave home.  I saw the entire execution before it was removed from tape. I,m not going outside at police request--would you?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My garden 2014

Today, I got some work done in the garden..My soil is getting really nice. We are at least 5 weeks away from general planting. I have set up three clear clothes storage boxes. as temporary green houses. I put a couple of inches of soil and am growing onions, leeks, bok choy..The Bok choy is litterly jumping out of the soil..I,m using willow (new growth) which i harvested,and clear plastic to create a dome roof so rain will run off.. I,m also using plastic ice cream gallon containers to create a safe envirionment for tomatoes , tomatillo,s, peppers and aspargus ( a 2 year project).. The nice thing is you can use clear plastic bags (grocery store) and by putting the handle up create a mini-gre-house..
I also have garlic ,onions and leeks which i,ve over wintered.. Last fall I pulled everything up and buried them 6" deep so they grow like leeks in stores. my bunching onions i buried last year in the spring and by the end of summer they were about 3/4 " in dia and were white about 4-6" inches from root to green. it does work.. In japan the climate is similar to seattle and overwintering is a common practice, miles and miles of common.
I have also planted a fugi apple tree, our favorite, but it hasn,t bloomed in 3 years and I paid 26$ for it. I also have a Jujuba bush (red berries) which i trimed and took the cuttings and used rootone and put in my bathroom..They are doing fabulous and i,ve given away three plants already and have another 5 or so to give away..If youd like one let me know. I,ll mail it to you.. using a damp paper towel a baggy and envelope--just the way i got it...

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A really great day on the river

Yesterday and today were really great days!! On monday we went fishing. we were gone about 5 hrs. This time I simply went out into spokane river and floated downstream while the current slowed into the lake. I haven,t had a bite or even a follow.. But, rocky is so busy with is own itenerary sp that he creates all kinds of racket and going back and forth side to side front to back really tires me out so i normally go out for only 2 hrs. So by floating downstream i have time to adjust the boat to float over all the gravel beds, change lures etc. and i,m able to sample warm water shallow areas looking for crappies.
Rocky has a great time, normally he luvs to sit on the very front of the boat--all 4 feet in an area the size of a napkin..it,s dangerous but rocky luvs it.. when the water gets warm. i,ll suddenly shut off the power and he goes flying. When going upstream the boat can suddenly jerk left or rt sending him flying.i have to shut the motor off (5hp) and steer the motor away from him..so far so good.. To be honest, up there he balances the boat perfectly and we get the most speed possible..onto a plane? plain? He looks like one of the flying Wolendas and everyone laughs and waves to see him perfecly balanced on about 8 square inches..He must look like a giant hood ornament and i,m driving a Bently. He luvs to swim to shore and explore his world of smell. If i get to far away he jumps into the river and swims out to the boat were i haul him aboard.. I use a harness and not a collar.. so he can put his front paws on the side of the boat. And i can safely pull him up to the point where he can get his rear feet up and come aboard.. Then of course the ritual bath (call me coach). So really, it,s about having fun ,catch some rays and fish hopefully. On the weekends we stay home and putter around..The problems we had were on a saturday..I have less of a problem during the week, when people are working..I like my privacy..

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

On Being Called...

Ok. I admit to being driven..10 years ago or so, I testified that I had received a Blessing from our Lord..He removed my pain, He healed my heart and made me giddy with happiness..Its been a great 10 years and has lasted longer then I ever expected.or deserved.   Now I,ve been called and I don,t want to go...But there is no doubt when you,ve been called...So what am I to do? I,ve been called to remove CIA chief John Brennan Grand Inquisitor for the USA gov,t from office. and to turn him over to our God for disposal.  The world has gotten along just fine without an Grand Inquisitor since the inquistion of the 15th century.  What amazes me is that NO Christian minister or priest or rabbi has yelled screamed out against torture..Whilst Satans minions do their evil work...Why have these men not spoken up?  They know that these men are in satans grasp--yet they remaine Tongue Tied!  So what is my tool for a root canal of my gov,t..I,m using Twitter. 140 chacters at at a time..Calling John Brennan out..I,m saying the most repulsive things..such as this: did you like cutting kitties and puppies as a child?  Have you had the BTK (bind, torture,kill) killer hold a seminar for your Tortue corps.  Did he give you any really good tips on how to render a human.   Am I being too rough ? Is a root canal without novicaine fun?  How long will I have to blow on these embers of decency until the flame of righteousness are lit?  I don,t know..But liberty and righteousness must be restored..  When the japanese struck Pearl harbor we struck back, nobody was tortured..we just kicked there ass burned down there cities and crushed them...at great cost.. As I, my brothes, sisters and mom  know. 
Last night-hell every nite i have trouble sleeping, I find myself weeping and saying - why me?  The lord has reminded me that when We lived out at ham lake--No water, no electricity--I was about 6 or 7 and enjoyed riding the ice wagon with a  weathered old man and a mule for power...what fun I had..One day I walked down to the lake only to find two older boys about to roast a live mud turtle..They had this poor creature streched out over a fire they had just lighted up.    I don,t know what gave me the power but I scattered the fire , sent the boys away and saved the turtle.  But the turtle being frightened and singed bit my finger and wouldn,t let go.  I took that poor turtle and walked to the waters edge crying all the way until I finally put him in the lake , and after a minute or so he let go and swam away..Then I rejoiced over my good deed.
Many years later, I was junior at Minnetonka H.S.  One day, a punk, a hoodlum  call him what you will, came to school--looking to beat up this boy who wasn,t macho was ordinary in every way except he couldn,t defend himself..Being from the wrong side of the tracks myself, I secretly paid attention to what was going in his world..
When this guy came into our school..I became incensed..and decided to interveen on behalf of this kid..  Before I new it..there were 8 or 10 of us..  we went down and grabbed this guy.. the tables were turned.. we picked him up and hauled him to the door.  The unforseen problem was that the school doors have two doors with a post in between.. I confess that half exited right and half exited left --leaving this poor bastard to the center post--When we finally untangled everything.. We threw his groggy body into the gravel..  He never came back..
I was reminded that i,ve always stood up for the weak..
Torture is not right,  we don,t need it,  It is really about bullies..
 Sheryl and I grew up during the Peace corps era.. were American kids fanned out across the globe to help people.. America was truly "The Arsenal of Democracy"
The Last 10 years we,ve seen the rise of John Brennans Torture Corps..About as far a way from the "Peace Corps" as you can get.
I don,t  want to be called.. But I have been.
I don,t want my children or g children or gg children growing up in a facist America were the few have everything and the poor have nothing..Where everybody has to beg and kiss ass to feed themselves.  And Democracy is an illusion a historical artifact...of once upon a time..
I don,t want this burden.  My impulse is to run away...Like i did in Charlotte..Only to find God chuckling as an air conditioning unit..with no way out except to fight..So take off your glasses, take off your watch..set them on top of the air conditioner, turn around and face the door..there is only one way out and it,s not an  easy way...It,s the only way.

Will you please stand up with me? Will you pray for me? Better yet , will you start yelling!!! If we all yell together perhaps Satan will get confused and not know who to strike. This man is perfectly capable of killing anyone on this planet with his shadow gov,t

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  • Robert M Ramstad
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