Who was arrested ? Who owns the home ? Who pays the mortgage. How many people called in complaints ? What is a nuisance house ? when will this go to court ? The police say several hundred complaints did the police respond every time ? If not why not isn't that part of their job... Extremely poor reporting and i know why...It is because of the yardley development...your telling poor people to move...why would KHQ be part of the chamber of commerce Do you everyone or just the police...Extrordinaryily poor job ...You get an F
It's like the guy that was killed by sheriff swat team...It's like he never existed...I noted that the spokne police were there for 90 min.. then swat team showed up and killed him 30 min later. I find it amazing that the police negociated for 90 min then 30 min after swat shows up he's dead..walking ...out his front door as agreed he closed the door behind him (like his mom taught him) and as he brought his hand forward he was met 20+ bullets never had a chance to comply with the sheriffs orders.
Then their was the Gerlach murder...if you judge by the verdict, it means you have a right to murder someone.. me?..who maybe gathering mushrooms on your land or perhaps gathering cans in the alley. I never realized how nasty the people in Spokane, Wa Are... how easily led Spokane,wa right wing thugs Are..
I am ashamed to be an american..in a sea of self-righteous, american spartans, who kill for a living, brag about it, selfish selfies. I myself have been threatened three times by guns whileout walking...Right here in Spokane wa
Make no doubt about it
By the way what about that 21 yr old killed by Gerlach...never heard another word about him...never heard about his family, his funeral or anything.. Gerlach himself is either an expert shot, retired military or he was extremely lucky to hit him twice thru the back window of moving vehicle. And No remorse .
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