Saturday, December 3, 2016

Reply to Grant and his Alt-right Friends

I don't think our country or the world can afford pure liberalism. In my eyes that's basically communism. I just can't see the good in that.

Robert M Ramstad
Robert M Ramstad Grant is a purveyor of lies which he has dutifully absorbed. The USA/Alt=right are ignorant of the truth and act on their misplaced emotions. Grant has absorbed the 1st lesson, which is to Demonize his proposed victim "you". Grant and his friends are painting "liberals" and democrats. At this time liberal becomes socialist. Once that demonization of liberals is entrenched,. they will start co-joining liberal with socialist they start branding whole groups and individuals as communists and "grants Demonization" is complete. You and your friends will have to hide. After Grant has achieved the castration of of "liberals" he and friends then will start on "Queers" and "Jews" and yes, "Niggers". That's why we have spics, chinks, camel jockies, etc. That is why Grant and friends do it, so they can go on bath-house beatings for fun. Wrap chins around black men and drag theme across texas until they fall apart. Make Jews scap-goats so they can steal all they own and kill them. I know that Grant and his Alt-right friends think they are righteous, but, so did Hitler and Mussolini.. Frankly, I'd like to know how well educated Grant is, his job level and what he/parents earn.
Robert M Ramstad

So Grant the ball is in your court, we wait for your reply.

Merry Christmas Message!

Yesterday, UPS rolled up and delivered a large Box, biggest one I've received. I left the box on my living room floor, for a day!, so I could admire and wonder: What could possible be in the box I didn't expect. The outside, on a glance, said multi-items.
Anyhoo, I opened the box this morn. I don't know who sent it, but I suspect Tom and his friends of buying me a mixer, to help me bake.
Merry Christmas everyone, may all your dreams come true ...

Friday, November 11, 2016

AK's Last Visit

 I told the gentlemen that since my van was stolen, we couldn't go to the river.  He said he often came across "cheap ass trucks" my words, and would let me know. My deadbeat unemployed pot-head friend Allen.AK does listen to his master and me his beloved friend. have 3 golden labs living within a 100 yds of each other.  But bailey has been known to sneak under his fence and come over hoping for a ride.  I told the gentlemen that since my van was stolen, we couldn't go to he river.  He said he often came across "cheap ass trucks" my words, and would let me know.
In other news, AK should up a few days ago.  My deadbeat unemployed pot-head friend Allen,  AK came rushing in as usual, but he's not a puppy anymore.  I was happy o see'em.  After running around the coffee table and kindly clearing it off, he made space for my laptop which was  in danger of falling off my i put it there,  but not before he graciously ate our last two pieces of pizza!!  .   With Allen sitting on top of the couch, I noticed AK eyeballing my computer chord, i wrapped it up and visited AK.   He looked really good, shiny short black coat and all muscle.  Rocky doesn't mind him to much anymore...but wonders why the Mongolian invasion!.  AK for his part was wearing a shock collar.  he still doesn't have a collar and tags.  He's extremely smart and follows my directions.  He shows no socialization skills...hence the shock collar,  but he knows that he is 2nd fiddle to Rocky, bowed down to Rocky and wanted to play.  Allen volunteered to see if anyone was home,  and reported people in garage were partying.  So, after checking to see if he knew how to sit and laydown and chatting with him and telling him to "keep a big heart"  fist to heart and pointing to him, I sent him home they never missed him.  AK does listen to his master and me his beloved friend

GOP stratedgy

I think something is wrong when Kansas can have as much power as California in the senate. The GOP has had a strategy of controlling state legislatures You should be looking at what is going to happen in voter suppression, gerrymandering etc. the GOP will try to institutionalize their dominance.

Monday, November 7, 2016

fishing the spokane

The river needs to be reclassified from fly-fishing only to artificial only and blunted hooks plus a slot size limit. It is wrong to deny our children from fishing in Spokane River. I think we should encourage our children to fish and if successful, Parents should make a big deal at dinner. After-all, just walking down to the river is a feat in itself, and it breeds confidence.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Manifest Destiny

       Less then a 100 years ago, you could walk from St. Louis Missouri to Portland, without being impeded. The other day Rocky and I went walking on what i thought was a old pioneer trail. About half way on our circle, I was suddenly confronted by an white SUV, the woman driving it and an old man +- my age with a clip-t mustache. He informed me I was trespassing and did I see the No-trespassing sign? Of course not! I have trained myself Not to see no trespassing signs for many years. An Old man walking his dog suddenly went ballistic. I yelled at him I railed against him. I told him ... Less then 100 yrs ago Americans could walk from St Louie, Mo. unimpeded. Then your grandfather came to this very property on the trail to Portland or Seattle. He killed all of the Indians, killed all the elk, buffalo and then put up Barb wire and ordered everything out. He was God on his property. I told him and her to " Go to Hell" and turned around and left as i came.
        Postscript: the day before, A Spokane man, a vet had a knock on his door. Being armed he answered the door and noticing no one was present he went out in the yard to look further. There was a confrontation and he shot the man, Who he claimed charged him. The man ran away and bled to death. All the kills by Spokane Wa. citizens is approved by the public. This is the second one. My take-away is ... don't knock on doors. And, I was lucky again. I've had guns pulled on me twice (rifles). and I need a pistol in order to protect Rocky from pit-bulls and for my own safety, as we were assaulted by a man 20 yrs younger and his pit-bull

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Filled with rage

The cop told me that I should not worry about the stop sign ticket because:  It,s not a moving violation, so I shouldn't worry.  OK.  Several weeks later I went to pay the ticket in Wayzata , Mn.  The clerk explained that it was a moving violation and that I now had 6 pts on my record.  Three more and my license would be revoked.  In a fit of anger I said "God Damn this fucking country I wish it would burn"  The man standing next to me became very upset.  It turned out that he was connected to the prosecutors office and wrote me a ticket for using foul language..*  So i ended up in front of a judge.  The Judge threw the ticket out.  Where upon, the Prosecuter jumped up and said  "But Your Honor Did You hear what he said?"  The Judge said "Shut Up and sit down".   Of course , I was greatly relieved, There were lots of patriots willing to hang me high.

All of this started with a cop lying to a young father and mother taking here first born for his first Easter-spring ride.

More importantly, My best Craig Egge had been killed after being in Vietnam 8 days.
Before he left for the marines, he told me that he wanted to prove himself a man.   That was my second military funeral.  I remember to this day Craig being rolled down the aisle, the last time i saw him he was walking and full of life.  Once again taps, the folded flag, the incredible sadness..

I was ashamed of myself for the words I spoke.. To this day I,ve never mentioned it to anyone. for shame.

It,s been a longtime since then.  America has continued it,s killing spree:  58,000 Americans most in there 20's some 18 like Craig.  It was Nasty! punji sticks**, round the clock bombing of  N. Vietnam, the Tet- offensive*** which heralded the coming end of the war.  The USA had abandoned its village pacification program.  The villagers were now our enemies, we killed them and burned their villages. In the most famous incident, "MeLai",  Lieutenent Calley ordered his men to kill everyone.  Three hundred fifty or so .  Bodies everywhere!, babies, kids, moms, dads and old men /women... bodies everywhere...Village burned to the ground..  I learned recently that this was "standard operating procedure" in Cambodia.  If villagers gave any help to the "Cong" Gooks" etc. the village was raised ie. burned to the ground.  I believe that this behavior was what "Apocalypse Now" was/is about.  A mad Cornel  That was fighting beyond what was thought to be righteous.. Except for the fact that he kept his village safe and secure--in the end he,s had enough he waits for his executioner to arrive, to do his job.  He mutters "the horror, The Horror"  recalling the red cross vaccinating the children for polio.  The villagers response ?  They cut off the arm of every child because whites were enemies and not to be trusted.  ":the Horror" a pile of little arms..The Colonel,  hung the bodies of his enemies around the village. The Kmer Rouge took it a step further, they pilled skulls everywhere..

This same thing has been happening in Afghanistan.  Simple villagers don,t understand vaccines..Why would we save 5 yr olds when were killing 15 yr olds?  I remember how thrilled I was to be vaccinated against polio..Think about it. 58000 boys saved (vaccinated) , 58000 KIA.. Stupidity reigns

The war ended , unofficially, when our draftees started "fragging" their Officers who would not fight, would not go on patrol.  They sat in their Bunkers cleaning their fingernails,  while their men died in firefights and 100 other ways.   So, our resourceful draftees started rolling grenades into the Officers bunkers..  This is when the war really ended.  Of course, officially it ended with helicopters being pushed off carrier decks, to make room for more people...Of course the war didn,t really end until the Paris accords that our renowned Sec of State, "Dr Strangelove"  Henri Kissinger  arranged, with "Honor of course"

***Senator Ms. Bachman from Minnesota, in 2012 claimed this was where we turned the tide.

**bamboo sticks covered in feces, to be stepped on, * don,t remember all the details..

Friday, October 7, 2016

A Better Way!

Practical advice for all Americans
Pragmatic dealings with the Worlds many demands

 @JohnKerry @DeptofDefense @PresObama:
Abandon DominoTheory!
Embrace new 21st. Century World Policy
 A World Space Organization of cooperation between all countries of the World.  Starting with Russia, Europe, China, India and others who would like to journey to Mars and start our Worlds first incubator.  We have Terriformed Earth, why not Terriform Mars?  And, 
Why Not give the World a new vision?,  a Common Goal.?
America has pursued a reverse "Domino Theory" for the last 65? years.!   The World today is involved in a predatoy relationship with the United States and it"s Allies. 
This can not continue.
Lets have a New 21st.  World Community Goal!  A "NWCG"  if you like!  Powered by an agreement that new Spaceports will have to be built,  that the Big Players, that are solvent, can certify a certain amout of cash or property (site) so the World can take part in going to Mars and living on Mars.  The Worlds 1st.  worthy, common Goal!   Are we up to this task?, this common Dream?,  or will we continue to follow "Manifest Destiny and the Domino Theory"?  We have spent Trillions rubbleizing the World and killing everyone in sight.  They hate us, and rightfully so.  It can't continue!  We need to change some of our plows into plowshares and make a new 21st. century Foreign Policy.
Russia-Turkey rapprochement has limitsRussia-Turkey rapprochement has limits

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

    As a born again Christian, my personal opinion is that the President does not set Foreign Policy.  If Ecumenicals want peace, Blame the Joint Chiefs, The Dept of Defense, the Pentagon and of course Americas own Tribe of #kittykutter Torturers in the CIA.  
    Ecumenical Christians!, Your Hero's, are killers and torturers.  You want, bath house beatings, summary executions by Americas Police forces, white KKK Ecumenicals hanging minorities or worse throwing a chain around a minority and dragging them until they fall apart.  Ecumenicals cheered when Christian Thugs kill abortion providers.  In the world you want, you are on top ... everybody else is shit.  Ecumenical Killers hiding within the Gospel of Jesus Christ, while worshiping the Old Testament
    I have bad news for You,  The world is Brown, "Not White".  Jesus Christs NEW Testament rules the modern world.  The Old Testament is for Historical reference onlyWho the HELL is "the stream"? I say Fuck "the stream"! whatever or whomever thinks they are morally superior to the people who are commenting . I however, agree that decorum is important, not because of you (who/what are you) but because name-calling indicates a lack of brain power and a person consumed by hate/rage. I personally stop reading at the first signs of name calling. This is the reason why I blocked Donald Trump on twitter. I don't want to listen to his pottymouth

Friday, August 26, 2016

Letter to Rachael "asking for forgiveness"

 May I say. I've thought a lot about what happened on my visit to the Ramstad house in Ballard. I was totally and completely crushed by your daughters, "My mind has so completely blocked the names of your children that it refuses to remember their names. it is so sad it can't continue" wiggling out of my arms .. "when the very nite before she happily showed me her princess outfit" I was completely stunned and taken back by what happened ... i was stopped. And remained so for many years festering in  my soul festering in my gut, rotten!   So here I'm today asking for forgiveness because, maybe I was thinking only about me, ... as usual.  Maybe, everyone was as shocked, as I was, when (she)wriggled out of my arms. and i totally over reacted to and misinterpreted it ... and maybe I just completely over reacted to it and found guilty parties who were just as stunned as I was. And so I lost my children and grand-children. I am completely broken. Well, as, Usual, my deadbeat, unemployed, pot-head friend has just arrived and so, I must go. I ask for your forgivevness of my sins even if they are un-forgivable feelings and stupidity seem to go hand-in-hand, and of course, he is talking on the phone so he doesn't have to watch me cry.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Re-Thinking Israel

Everything you say is true.  But, Israel is becoming a failed state because Israel has not been able to make peace with Palestinians. So,perhaps it's time to rethink Israel.  What does God want?  I do not see his hand working in Israel.  Maybe, God wants His Jews to be scattered across the Globe.  Maybe he wants Palestine to be a World Heritage site.
I consider Jews to be an extremely valuable asset for the world.  America has been blessed because of Jews and it is possible that Jews are the most valuable or as valuable as America's other treasures.
Maybe, we should help make Jerusalem a world heritage site, the financial hub of the Middle East/World.
Maybe the United Nations should run Palestine as a duty free hub for Europe, Africa and Asia. 
The key to peace is to give every person a stake in peace by giving them a piece of the action like Washington D.C. and the Virginia, Maryland suburbs.
Maybe it's time to rethink Israel?

Rethinking the Middle East

It pisses me off!  Gen. Nicolson was trained by the losers of the Vietnam War.  As such,  Gen. Nicolson must believe that the people lost the war in Vietnam Not the Generals.  And the commanders were fragged by cowards that didn't want to fight...Not because the commanders hid behind blast-proof walls and wouldn't lead the fight.  Gen Nicolson was born in Germany to a Father who was a General.  He attended private schools in Germany and exclusive Schools thru-out his career including West Point.  He's no leader of Men.  Perhaps It's time to pull the pin and roll the dice.?
I predict that ISIS, ISIL, whatever, That Wahabi Head-choppers will line up 6 American G.I.s and remove their heads.  What will General Nicolson do then?  We've already leveled their countries, tortured, fried and frick-a-see them while calling them Barbarians.  Go figure!
The only way Gen. Nicolson can lead is if the USA Dept of State makes a Strategic turn in the Middle East.  Secretary of State John Kerry says that this is a clash between civilized countries and Barbarians.  If that is the case, the bookends Are now in place to make the turn.  We should honor the barbarians desire to be barbarians.  Our need for their oil isn't as necessary as it was in the past.  They spend 50 fifty cents to kill us and we spend a million to kill them.  So, who is winning and who are the dumb ass'ss ?

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A reply to an American patriot

The United States is currently killing in Pakistan (undeclared)  Iraq (undeclared) Syria (undeclared) Yemen (undeclared) Somalia (undeclared) Libya (undeclared)   As for moral equivalence your right except Iran has morals and ethics and the USA has none.
Strangely, you say your a modern American....your right.   You accept torture, rectal feeding, holding without charge for lifetimes...all kinds of brutality and bitch slapping.  You accept a country that disregards any agreement, treaty, Army field manual, International laws,  Domestic laws.  A country that thinks ethics and morals apply only to fools.  A country that used turkish proxies to use poison gas and blame Assad. A country that used turkey as a proxie to shoot down a Russian jet.  The USA has also shot down passenger airlines over the persian gulf (Navy)  
A country that long ago, in a far off place, an alien planet where children ran free of shoes all summer long, Where we could play until dark without fear.
Then you came along,  You called out the bogeyman and he came on your welcome.  
Now, you have created so much fear--No One can walk safely, kids can't play outside and Americans can't travel in safety anywhere on the Globe.  You can't even have a cup of coffee in peace.  Hell!  I don't know who is more fearsome ISIS or the RWNJ nut jobs carrying AK-47's claiming "they" are protecting me.  Over the last 50 years the USA has been poking Muslims in the eye.  Weather in Somalia, Qutar, Bahrain,Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, etc.  The USA is there, meddling.  You think the USA is the victim of circumstances....poor us...always being bullied when all we wanted was to steal everything of value. and reduce the countries to rubble.  Don't worry! we'll rebuild everything....on your dime Fool.