Sunday, January 31, 2016

Rethinking the Middle East

It pisses me off!  Gen. Nicolson was trained by the losers of the Vietnam War.  As such,  Gen. Nicolson must believe that the people lost the war in Vietnam Not the Generals.  And the commanders were fragged by cowards that didn't want to fight...Not because the commanders hid behind blast-proof walls and wouldn't lead the fight.  Gen Nicolson was born in Germany to a Father who was a General.  He attended private schools in Germany and exclusive Schools thru-out his career including West Point.  He's no leader of Men.  Perhaps It's time to pull the pin and roll the dice.?
I predict that ISIS, ISIL, whatever, That Wahabi Head-choppers will line up 6 American G.I.s and remove their heads.  What will General Nicolson do then?  We've already leveled their countries, tortured, fried and frick-a-see them while calling them Barbarians.  Go figure!
The only way Gen. Nicolson can lead is if the USA Dept of State makes a Strategic turn in the Middle East.  Secretary of State John Kerry says that this is a clash between civilized countries and Barbarians.  If that is the case, the bookends Are now in place to make the turn.  We should honor the barbarians desire to be barbarians.  Our need for their oil isn't as necessary as it was in the past.  They spend 50 fifty cents to kill us and we spend a million to kill them.  So, who is winning and who are the dumb ass'ss ?

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