Sunday, April 16, 2017

Chat Conversation Start
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You people claim that you wish to have a Facist, Apartheid State led by Trump, John Mc and McConell. I and my fellow liberals want a Democracy that supports the constitution
What schocked me is thyat you cowards would go to UC Berkly to terrorize a bunch of Minors and young people.
What was your point? You obviously bypassed Seattle, Portland, and Denver ... all hot beds of liberals
But you won't take on the police and the public and the public at large .. your fellow citizens.
You won't abide by constitutional law of our country. You are in fact a lawless, cancer on America.
So, who is your beef with? Is it the police or the American military, Politicians ... Who
It appears that going to Berkly to stir up shit was designed to get you some news coverage. So there you were! threatening disarmed kids. What Hero's! You constantly threaten citizens where ever you go. You are an Abscess on the Constitution. Why didn't you tough guys bivwac the guns? then you could take them on one on one with your fists
I say this because your personal cowardice was on full display
Chat Conversation End

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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Note to Kristina

     Well the game is starting at 3pm. I've not received an answer to my challenge. Strangely, I'm not surprised. 
     Years ago when Goldendale Aluminum closed down, I decided to move. I called Bob and asked him if he would like to have me closer?, he said he didn't care. So i called Kristina and asked her how she felt about me moving closer ... she said " Oh Dad, don't worry, I can visit you no-matter where you live" I said fair enough. As Both Bob and Kristina have friends in Spokane (medical lake),and Missoula, I felt confident we could all meet. Both Bob, Kristina and Sheryl come to or thru Spokane every year. So I waited... confident at first and then the slow realization, they didn't want to visit, they don't care.
Life is tough, I've suffered greatly for sins I've Never committed. If It wasn't for Jesus Christ I would have died many years ago from a broken heart. But, he forgave my sins, and kept me alive by whispering " tomorrow will be better, Hold on"! And so it went, until the weights of failure were lifted, and God told me. that my last years would be my best years, and so it is. He will do a final removal, when I join him. It's strange, that a simple bet, would result in triggering such remembrances.
"May God Bless Us All" everyone 
     Recently, I suffered a near death.  I have a very weak heart that doesn't pump well.  As a result my finger are numb and I have neuropothy in Both legs caused by bad circulation.  Every year i get a live flu and pneumonia vaccination.  This year no different, but, I did get sick with a reaction.  I remember my legs were weak.  This march, i got pneumonia, FSV   We vaccinate for type 'A' mother nature promotes type 'B'.  I called Cris my next door neighbor and told him, that i was too weak to walk over across alley ... 60ft?
Later, I decided, to call para-medics because I was afraid to sleep,  Knowing my heart rate drops into the 40's and my lungs would fill with fluid, I made the call.  I was in hosp for 3 days.  Because, I restrict antibiotics, they work well and started improving the next day.
I was on the infectious floor unit everyone wore masks,  an old lady wandered into my room unable to find hers,  I chatted with her, surreptitiously waving down a nurse to help her.  Then i saw a covered body being wheeled away.
On the third day, I begged the doctor to release me and send a nurse to check on me.  She finally assented.  My friend Chris, took care of Rocky, and picked me up.  I'm indebted to pass on the good deed to another.  Thank you Chris!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Running for Mayor/ Policing

 As regards SPD, We know you want a new jail and additional officers. Frankly, My friends are skeptical. We know SPD can arrest as many people as beds. So what is the point? By not building a new jail or hiring more police, we protect our friends from the ravages of the Sheriff and SPD. It is a serious concern. We also know that community policing is a sham! just like neighborhood block watch, which assures a snitch on every block sticking there nose up the neighborhoods arse. We all work together to make our neighborhood safe. Keeping an eye on empty rentals etc. I myself had an intruder in my house! my dog, rocky, alerted me. I chased him out the house got an identification, called SPD. You folks arrived about 2 min later and arrested him 2 blocks from my house. Thank you. We have a good police force but we want excellance. To achieve that we'll give psych tests and develope hiring paramaters to assure that #kittykutters are for the most elininated from force. Some Vets are not suitable to do community police work. I personally object to police who prefer to shoot rather then arrest. what are your tasers for
Robert M Ramstad
As a Pedestrian, 'stolen car victim' I know how wonderful our city can be and how dangerous it can be. It would be nice for you to get out on NW blvd and hand out flyers about respecting pedestrians and cyclists and reminding drivers that they Must share the roadway with walkers,skateboarders cyclists etc and they must stop for walkers. Emphasis patrols. Backed up by felony manslaughter/assault charges levied by prosecutor to make your point to Drivers across city..

Robert M Ramstad
I'm thinking of running for Mayor. Mr Condon is as much the problem as solution and hasn't solved anything. My main plank? #1 snow harvesting, center plowing, sidewalk snow removal for city and businesses. #2 Bee keeping in a sanctuary 'Bee City' where we work together to make our insects healthy leading to healthy birds fish in our wonderful river. Either a City Bee keeper or a School district Bee Keeper and educator in our schools. To limit the use of pesticides and encourage grass hoppers on river bluffs for trout and grouse.

Robert M Ramstad
The most dangerous thing for me was winter and Spokane plowing that left every pedestrian at risk of falling down or run down. City plowing forces people to walk/wade in the street. In Spokane pedestrians of all ages and ability who cross streets are at great risk from people rushing home to latch-key kids. If one lane stops, drivers will go 50mph to try and beat you to lane. It's maddening trying to cross NW blvd between 3-5pm. There is no safety, it's extremely dangerous. people texting at 50mph, rushing home and they think they own the road and pedestrians and bikers be damned. Help!

Robert M Ramstad
 Ps. You People do a good job, I'm safe and enjoy walks along river. I'm a Democrat but believe people are responsible for what they say and do. I'm talking about 'good manners' and not rioting over every damn thing. A fine line.

Robert M Ramstad
Robert M Ramstad This town is about to go crazy! I think Zags will win it all! GO ZAGS. My daughter is a Prof at S. Carolina Gamecocks, so i have placed bet for sweatshirt! GO ZAGS!.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Reply to Disqus claim

I believe in Jesus Christ and his "Good News".  Remember Jesus threw the money lenders out of the temple they were disgracing.  They were Jewish Rabbis who used the temple to loan money.  I reject, the Old Testament God of the Jews.  A God of war and retribution.  I do accept those parts of the OT that support the "Good News" and I accept the Jewish history which is replete with idol worship every-time God looked away.  He even had the Jews wander in the desert for 40 years ... but they are a "stiff necked" people.  Truth is Jews rejected God before he rejected them.  At the moment I'm reading Corinthians II and enjoying Paul's preaching he suffered under Jewish and Roman law.  was beaten with sticks and whipped a bunch of times.  I understand he's on his way to Jerusalem where he will meet his maker.  As a matter of Fact Jews did everything in their power to stop the spread of Christianity.
Because there is so large a difference between the Old Jewish God and the "Good News" of Jesus Christ,  I have decided that God himself must have been  reborn and resurrected at the same time as Jesus Christ.  It is the only logical explanation, after all, Jesus said I'm the Father, son, and holy ghost.  He said I am the way.  Jesus was part of the temple and was a rabbi like Saul.  He never said follow the jewish god he said follow me.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Reply to complaint on pay schedules, bonuses etc

I didn't make the rules or pay/bonus schedule.  I do know that when the draft was ended, American Men and women were in a state of shock after watching 58,000 American Grunts die for nothing.
The Dept of defense had to increase pay and decrease the requirements to be a Grunt.
Now we have an all Mercenary Military.  What is different is the establishment of Green Zones across the Globe.  This enables the Officer corps to avoid direct contact with the enemy while they eat Kobe' beef and drink the best bourbon.
Only fools put their lives on the front line ... not Officers!
It's called turning RED into Green ... Grunts get the Red, Officers and their fat wives and kids get the GREEN.
Any terrorist actions taking place in the EU or USA is directly caused by the Destruction and rubbleization of whole countries by the USA high command.  We brag about getting in our enemies shorts, like the raid on Bin Laden

.Two Americas.  One selfish, self-centered, narcisstic, like our President.  the other believes in sharing, in community, and struggling together to achieve a goal like winning WWII.. The non-sharers believe they are the natural born leaders of sharers.  But why follow?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Power of eminent Domain

The problem I see is: 

The use of Eminent Domain has nothing to do with National security or any other reason. The pipelines in question NDAPL and KeystoneXL are for profit only. The fact is, there are much closer refineries then Houston TX. There is no compelling need to ship Tar Sands oil (which sinks) to Houston Tx there are refineries in Mandan N.D. also in Superior, Wisc and also Mpls, Mn. If spilled Refined products float, evaporate and are much easier to deal with.
Why should we put profit ahead of clean water?

Letter to Spokane PD

         I'm sick of the way the city is plowing, It blocks every driveway, every walkway and every drain. All of this so people can get from parking to parking lot. Then they have the audacity to threaten to use our Favorite People to write tickets for folks that have failed to move city snow off a city sidewalk...HaaaaRUfffmmm. 
        May I suggest!, that you folks champion the little guy, you know the Old Man hobbling to the bus stop in traffic,because the city decided not to clear it's sidewalk. I have actually spent the last three days trying to find "my drain', to no's there somewhere, like the fire-hydrant.
       So I'm encouraging my favorite Police Dept. to write the city about a 1000 tickets for every bridge, walkway, every block around every park, you get the idea. Then to make everybody happy the city can forgive every stupid parking ticket that honest people refuse to pay. I'd say: 1,000,000$ in sidewalk tickets offset by 1,000,000$ in unpaid parking tickets should resolve problem, What say U:?

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Letter to Kristina Xmas 2016

Dear Kristina
     I had talked with Tom and he asked if I had gotten a letter or package.  I wasn't sure so I went to mailbox and it was packed with a package that was stuffed in.  After wrenching it from the mailbox,  I was stunned to find it was from Atkin S.C. and from You.
     I haven't heard from you in years.  The last time I spoke with you, you said I should rewrite my letter of apology to your mom.  I didn't think then, and I don't think now, that it was your business.  Besides, my apology could not be changed.  I gave it my best.  You may not agree, but it's not your business.
     I really didn't expect to hear from you again.  I know that I will not hear from Bob again so I just accepted it and was trying to concentrate on my friends and Val and Tom 'who is proud to call me Dad'.  Holly cares about me, Lisa and boyfriend stopped at X-mas and of course I was invited to X-mas dinner by Sue.  ALL true friends and family.
     I do want to thank you for persuading Bob to allow me to visit at his home.  I know that he didn't want me to stay there, but He relented. 
     So, I opened your gift, a beautiful Gamecocks sweatshirt, I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry so I put it on and started crying.  I put on 'Sugarman' an album I've grown fond of.  I cried for three days and never took off my Sugarman Sweatshirt.  They are the only things I know about you.  I actually wore it for 3 weeks.  I was run over by my emotions,  I still can't figure out why?  I last knew you 65 years ago, so who cares?
Dads don't have emotions! ... it's not allowed.
     I'm the Luckeyist  man alive.  The good Lord found it fit to give what I needed to survive ... Rocky, my faithful companion.  He's amazing, I take him everywhere and he's universally loved by everyone, from nurses to tellers to bosses and customers, Rocky has me talking and meeting people every day.  People want to take pictures and always say  "nice looking".  Rocky has given me the greatest gift besides loving me.  He gets me talking with complete strangers, every single time we go out.  makes my life rich and worthwhile. And because I believe dogs need to be socialized,  I let people pet him. Kids afraid of dogs love meeting him.  People from other nations are also afraid, but they quickly learn he's OK. At first Rocky didn't recognize people in wheelchairs as human, but now he seeks them out, often times lifting their arm and sliding his head into their lap.  The reaction: total surprise, amused look and of course petting.
     You have done it yourself, your doing it now ... meeting new people everyday,  kinda fun, kinda sad leaving people and making new friends ... it's life.
     I was also surprised by the Magazine with you featured on the front page.  I made the front page as "Rookie of the year 1970" in a Wrestling magazine.
    But, what got me is You paddling a canoe in a S. Carolina swamp.  I love swamps, they are endlessly fasinating and the headwaters for many rivers and streams.  Many years ago I hired your mom to be my assistant, as we surveyed Minnesota rivers for state recognition for river-trail system.  If you look in your moms photo albums, you will see your mom canoeing on the Bigfork or St Louis river in northern Minnesota.  Looks just like you.
     I want to say one last thing.  When I was 12 or so my cousin Norm went on vacation in N. Minnesota.  So I wrote him a letter.  Norm 13 yrs old, returned my letter along with his letter.  My letter he had red-lined every mispelt wierd.  I went into shock, my favorite cousin correcting me.  I never wrote him again, he was removed from my friends list and never invited to my home again. I should have forgiven him, but, I didn't know the power of forgiveness, I do now.
I hope you will forgive this letter.  I mean no harm.
I love your gifts

 ps.  We need you in the N. West.  they are studying whales by using drones to gather spittle for DNA analysis.  They have discovered that older female Blackfish work directly with female offspring to improve survival of calves ... pretty cool 
For myself, I've written a short piece about an open arctic ocean with Ice a mile deep in Chicago.  Could I be right?  I'm curious about how to prove or disprove my thesis.  Would it be possible to figure it out using DNA from Wooly Mamouths.  Did the freeze that killed them come from the south or the north, were they trapped?