Monday, December 3, 2018

Letter to Mark Zuckerberg CEO Facebook 12/3/18

Dear Mark Zuckerberg,
I want you to know that I will join any class-action lawsuit against Facebook. By not allowing facebookers to decide whose message they wish to receive, you in fact are illegally censoring Free Speech. This means that ALL Facebook users can join any class action lawsuit against Facebook.
I believe that Facebook and Twitter are both run by American Zionist Jews.that care more for Jews and Israel then they do American Democracy..Are you an American Jewish traitor?
I supported the birth of Israel, I celebrated! and I supported Israel for over 50 years. No Longer! Why? because I know that Zionist Jews are Naziis at heart. The genocide against Palestinians has been on going since Israels birth. Jews make deals to give them time and to relax their hated opponents, whom they kill with glee!
Mark, did you serve in the IDF? Most Americans don't know about American Jews being compelled to serve in Israel's IDF for one year. Did you serve? Have you been brainwashed by the IDF or worse the Mossaud? Frankly I'm tired of of Israel and esp. Netanyahu and in general Israels constant manipulation of Americas Foreign policy.
There is no differance between rolling genocide over 70 years and the halocaust. I also want to remind you that 80 million people died of which 6 million were Jews. You weren't the only one's who suffered, my Father was one. Sincerly, Robert M Ramstad

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Letter to Twitter Help12/2/18

On Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 5:00:53 PM PST, Twitter Support wrote:

We just sent you a password reset for the Twitter account associated with your email address. Click the link in that email to create a new password for your account. If you have any trouble selecting a new password, please try accessing the reset link from a computer while signed out of all other Twitter accounts
Please note: Password reset links expire for security reasons. If the link has expired and you're in need of a new one, please reply to this email.

If you haven’t been receiving our password reset emails, check your spam folder to make sure they aren't being filtered.


Twitter Support,

Re: hack and changing password
Bullshit! Twitter has locked/suspended my account .
I don't have access to my account.
Further, Twitter has directly interferred with my life, much like my neighbor, who told me , "I must go into my house, if he or family were in their backyard.

Twitter is an un-American company who's CEO is trying to censor me and others for their beliefs. It is obvious that Twitter is Trying to shape the American discourse, just like the Russians. Twitters community standards refleck poorly compared to American community standards

Robert M Ramstad
ps. Twitter remains in control and is responsible for any tweets posted by others.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Letter to The View 11/15/18

The President has attacked free speech. Jim Acosta and CNN are suing the President. The attack on free speech has been taken up by Facebook, Google, Twitter all owned by alphabet and others. They are claiming community standards as a reason to eliminate their enemies. In doing this, they themselves destroy and trample free speech while they can shape the public discourse.
Twitter has locked my account. This means that I can no longer: 1,  Ican't tweet, 2, I can't read your tweets. 3, I can't access any tweet I've written. 4, I'm blocked by twitter when I'm referred to a tweet online.
This is my tweet Twitter calls abusive:"Bill Cosby didn't have to use pills to have sex with these Whores. They brag about their sexual conquests and used Cosby as reference in Hollywood! I believe that Cosby is a Necrophiliac, a pervert like @POTUS",
As I See It....

Personal Blog
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Letter to Twitter 11/15/18
I'm not actually appealing my locked account. The account was locked for no good reason. While you may think my tweet offensive, I think not! and I believe most adults would agree.
You claim my tweet was abusive ... I ask How!, in what way? I believe that Trump is a pedofile and I believe that Bill Cosby is a necrophiliac.
Am I not allowed my opinion?
Twitter refuses to say which word, pharse or sentence is abusive and why? If Twitter is going to operate based on community standards then I ask what community? whose standards? Certainly Not the American standard of Free speech, with the exception of yelling Fire! in a crowded theatre. So my question is: who is in the so-called community? I believe it is, in fact, a small # of people directing mathematicians to write an analog to filter out things the "small # of executives object to.
So if we desire to know the community we are talking about then we must know what religion they are or not. We need to know what culture they come from. These people believe in free speech for themselves and friends who agree with them.
Until this point I have limited myself to this one issue. But! there are many other issues such as blocking my ability to access the tweets of others when I'm referred to an internet page. Twitter has not only blocked my access to all tweets, it has also blocked my access of my followers tweets. In other words Twitter has not only blocked me from tweeting they have blocked me from reading other peoples view.
This morning on "The View" they had a screensht of a tweet by the vile Donald Trump, a man I blocked when he first started running. I didn't tell him not to tweet, I didn't bar him from reading others tweets and I didn't bar him from access to all of his tweets for his coming history.
Donald Trump doesn't know and doesn't care if I've blocked him or not. And, that's OK. Mr Trump and anyone who doesn't like my muse can block me.

I'm writing this letter not because I'm begging you for anything except free speech! and if you are truly American you'll agree.
PS. I'm a slow starter so I'm sharpening my claws by writing this series of letters. I.m also going to send a copy to "The View" and to Mr Acosta of CNN. Unlike TWITTER ,Americans value free speech and are willing to fight for it.
Robert M Ramstad

This is a problem for all Americans. By replacing American values with corporate values.
Can You help me? I do have a 'Go Fund Me Account' But I don't know how to promote it.
I am willing and want to join any class action lawsuit against Twitter and pledge that any money I may raise go into a mutual pot that we might correct twitters desire to shape opinion to whatever goals the TWITTER CEO's wants.

Letter to Twitter 11/15/18

I'm not actually appealing my locked account.  The account was locked for no good reason.  While you may think my tweet offensive, I think not! and I believe most adults would agree.
You claim my tweet was abusive ... I ask  How!, in what way?  I believe that Trump is a pedofile and I believe that Bill Cosby is is a necrophiliac.
Am I not allowed my opinion?
Twitter refuses to say which word, pharse or sentence is abusive and why?  If Twitter is going to operate based on community standards then I ask what community? who's standards?  Certainly Not the American standard of Free speech, with the exception of yelling Fire! in a crowded theatre.  So my question is: who is in the so-called community?  I believe it is in fact a small # of people directing mathimaticians to write an analog to filter out things the "small # of executives object to. 
So if we desire to know the community we are talking about then we must know what religion they are or not.  We need to know what culture they come from.  These people believe in free speech for themselves and friends who agree with them.
Until this point I have limited myself to this one issue.  But! there are many other issues such as blocking my ability to access the tweets of others when I'm referred to an internet page.  Twitter has not only blocked my access to all tweets, it has also blocked my access of my followers tweets.  In other words Twitter has not only blocked me from tweeting they have blocked me from reading other peoples view.
This morning on "The View" they had a screensht of a tweet by the vile Donald Trump, a man I blocked when he first started running.  I didn't tell him not to tweet, I didn't bar him from reading others tweets and I didn't bar him from access to all of his tweets for his coming history.
Donald Trump doesn't know and doesn't care if I've blocked him or not.  And, that's OK.  Mr Trump and anyone who doesn't like my muse can block me.

I'm writing this letter not because I'm begging you for anything except free speech! and if you are truly American you'll agree.
PS.  I'm a slow starter so I'm sharpening my claws by writing this series of letters.  I.m also going to send a copy to "The View" and to Mr Acosta of CNN.  Unlike TWITTER ,Americans value free speech and are willing to fight for it.
Robert M Ramstad.
On Monday, November 12, 2018, 1:17:23 PM PST, Twitter Support wrote:


We received your appeal regarding your account. We will review the information you provided and respond as soon as possible.

Thank yo

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

letter to twitter 11/14/18

I have asked before :  What is thhe length of my suspension??  I have never received an answer.?  This means that the length of my "so-called" suspension depends on the pettiness of Twitter.  It could be 1 day or forever.  Or maybe, twitter wants to impose a life sentence on me?, I'am after-all 76!
Twitter claims that my tweet was abusive in some manner. I disagree.

The abuser is Twitter!
Twitter has litterally stuffed a sock in my mouth!  This in a country that values open discourse, we have "enshrined"  free speech in 'our' constitution.

Twitter appears to be the one who yelled "FIRE" in a crowded theatre.
Twitter, an american company, run by an american wants to control the language and the shape of the discourse in America and across the Globe.
 What will the courts think?
Besides stuffing a sock in my mouth, Twitter has also cut off communication with my followers, they probly think I died, I haven't.  Twitter also stops any reference to Tweets by others'  I,m referred to a tweet only to find myself BLOCKED!
Twitter has also blocked access to my account and refuses to send a "download" of all my tweets and now all correspondence between Twitter and myself.

Twitter is 'Guilty as Hell' as violating the free speech rights of thousands of Americans.

I expect, and will join, any lawsuit regarding Twitters lawlessness, deceit and abusive behavior.Twitter is 'Guilty as Hell' of violating the free speech rights of thousands of Americans.
I expect, and will join, any lawsuit regarding Twitters lawlessness, deceit and abusive behavior.  To this end, I have started a 'Go-fund-Me' account which you can visit and contribute to,... so Twitters anti-Americanism can be held in check.  To this end, I have started a 'Go-fund-Me' account which you can visit and contribute to,... so Twitters anti-Americanism can be held in check.   I

On Tuesday, November 13, 2018, 10:36:31 PM PST, wrote:

Sunday, August 26, 2018

appeal twitter lock on my account

Twitter has suspended my account for some 9 months now!
Twitter has refused to say why the tweet in questionis abusive, or even what word,phrase or sentence is abusive and why?

"Bill Cosby didn't have to use pills to have sex with these Whores. They brag about their sexual conquests and used Cosby as reference in Hollywood! I believe that Cosby is a Necrophiliac, a pervert like @POTUS",

   Truth is, Bill Cosby is now convicted of sex crimes and the majority o.f Americans believe that Donald Trump is a Liar,and creep or pervert.  Therefore my tweet was timely and accurate.
    It would be nice if Twitter would live by the Constitution of the USA. This is their home of incorporation.  Twitter follows their community standards and deny the the Constitutional standard of Free speech.Twitter believes it's standards" supplant Democratic community standards, as enshrined in our Constitution.. Twitters CEO believe they are above the law. But in actuality they are "IMO" anti-American traitors.
    Further, Twitter refuses to take responsibility for it's decisions..I pray my fellow Americans and friends across the world will join hands to bring Twitter under control and stop their bullying and unfair censorship.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Garden Summer 2018

We are suffering a nuclear summer! temperature is --10 -15 degrees F below normal. Garden plants are having a hard time finishing and production is below normal. Now I know, that a volcanic winter did cause the great famines associated with Krakatowa. Now I understand what Nuclear Winter would be like and how it would trigger a Extinction event.

Friday, August 17, 2018

76 B'day thankyou

Thank you all my friends who wished me a happy b'day. I appreciate your remembrances. I want to express my deep appreciation to my friend Chris Groh who takes care of me and Rocky in our hour of need. I'm speaking directly about his support of Rocky and me during my 9 day hosp stay and my hospitalization for pneumonia. He also welcomed me into his foosball group including some of the best in the USA. I really look forward to our Tuesday eve get together. Surprisingly, they leave their wives and girlfriends at home. And rarely do we talk politics.
Rocky loves going to Chris house he's made friends with Chile Chris's tea cup Chiwawa, Pauls extra large black lab and Robs old German Shepard. These dogs love and look forward to Tuesday nights. Not surprisingly, Chile rules the roost!

I also want to thank the Lucky family for including me at Thanksgiving, Xmas and Easter.and on their camping trips. All these people make life worth living. I'm eternally thankful for including me.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

abusive tweets by twitter community

It would be nice if both Twitter and Facebook would live by the constitution of the USA. This is their home of incorporation. They are USA companies and Americans. Both Facebook and Twitter claim that their community standards and deny the the Constitutional standard of Free speech. Both of these companies i.e. "Google" believe their ''community standards" take presidence over Democratic community standards, as enshrined in our Constitution.. The CEO's of these companies believe they are above the law. But in actuality they are anti-American traitors.
" Bill Cosby didn't have to use pills to have sex with these Whores. They brag about their sexual conquests and used Cosby as reference in Hollywood! I believe that Cosby is a Necrophiliac, a pervert like @POTUS"