Sunday, August 26, 2018

appeal twitter lock on my account

Twitter has suspended my account for some 9 months now!
Twitter has refused to say why the tweet in questionis abusive, or even what word,phrase or sentence is abusive and why?

"Bill Cosby didn't have to use pills to have sex with these Whores. They brag about their sexual conquests and used Cosby as reference in Hollywood! I believe that Cosby is a Necrophiliac, a pervert like @POTUS",

   Truth is, Bill Cosby is now convicted of sex crimes and the majority o.f Americans believe that Donald Trump is a Liar,and creep or pervert.  Therefore my tweet was timely and accurate.
    It would be nice if Twitter would live by the Constitution of the USA. This is their home of incorporation.  Twitter follows their community standards and deny the the Constitutional standard of Free speech.Twitter believes it's standards" supplant Democratic community standards, as enshrined in our Constitution.. Twitters CEO believe they are above the law. But in actuality they are "IMO" anti-American traitors.
    Further, Twitter refuses to take responsibility for it's decisions..I pray my fellow Americans and friends across the world will join hands to bring Twitter under control and stop their bullying and unfair censorship.

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