Sunday, April 16, 2017

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You people claim that you wish to have a Facist, Apartheid State led by Trump, John Mc and McConell. I and my fellow liberals want a Democracy that supports the constitution
What schocked me is thyat you cowards would go to UC Berkly to terrorize a bunch of Minors and young people.
What was your point? You obviously bypassed Seattle, Portland, and Denver ... all hot beds of liberals
But you won't take on the police and the public and the public at large .. your fellow citizens.
You won't abide by constitutional law of our country. You are in fact a lawless, cancer on America.
So, who is your beef with? Is it the police or the American military, Politicians ... Who
It appears that going to Berkly to stir up shit was designed to get you some news coverage. So there you were! threatening disarmed kids. What Hero's! You constantly threaten citizens where ever you go. You are an Abscess on the Constitution. Why didn't you tough guys bivwac the guns? then you could take them on one on one with your fists
I say this because your personal cowardice was on full display
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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Note to Kristina

     Well the game is starting at 3pm. I've not received an answer to my challenge. Strangely, I'm not surprised. 
     Years ago when Goldendale Aluminum closed down, I decided to move. I called Bob and asked him if he would like to have me closer?, he said he didn't care. So i called Kristina and asked her how she felt about me moving closer ... she said " Oh Dad, don't worry, I can visit you no-matter where you live" I said fair enough. As Both Bob and Kristina have friends in Spokane (medical lake),and Missoula, I felt confident we could all meet. Both Bob, Kristina and Sheryl come to or thru Spokane every year. So I waited... confident at first and then the slow realization, they didn't want to visit, they don't care.
Life is tough, I've suffered greatly for sins I've Never committed. If It wasn't for Jesus Christ I would have died many years ago from a broken heart. But, he forgave my sins, and kept me alive by whispering " tomorrow will be better, Hold on"! And so it went, until the weights of failure were lifted, and God told me. that my last years would be my best years, and so it is. He will do a final removal, when I join him. It's strange, that a simple bet, would result in triggering such remembrances.
"May God Bless Us All" everyone 
     Recently, I suffered a near death.  I have a very weak heart that doesn't pump well.  As a result my finger are numb and I have neuropothy in Both legs caused by bad circulation.  Every year i get a live flu and pneumonia vaccination.  This year no different, but, I did get sick with a reaction.  I remember my legs were weak.  This march, i got pneumonia, FSV   We vaccinate for type 'A' mother nature promotes type 'B'.  I called Cris my next door neighbor and told him, that i was too weak to walk over across alley ... 60ft?
Later, I decided, to call para-medics because I was afraid to sleep,  Knowing my heart rate drops into the 40's and my lungs would fill with fluid, I made the call.  I was in hosp for 3 days.  Because, I restrict antibiotics, they work well and started improving the next day.
I was on the infectious floor unit everyone wore masks,  an old lady wandered into my room unable to find hers,  I chatted with her, surreptitiously waving down a nurse to help her.  Then i saw a covered body being wheeled away.
On the third day, I begged the doctor to release me and send a nurse to check on me.  She finally assented.  My friend Chris, took care of Rocky, and picked me up.  I'm indebted to pass on the good deed to another.  Thank you Chris!