Wednesday, November 19, 2014

About Rocky

To answer vals question about rocky...the saga continues...My neighbor from hell (airforce) claims rocky bit him. Scraps(animal control) told me to quatrantine him for 10 days. Rocky has and is current on his rabies shots..I do not believe rocky bite anyone...scraps sent me two tickets - totaling 174$. I challenged the fine and a hearing is to be held on dec 5. it is true that rocky has a history of wandering. However, he's been getting better at staying home or not goin...g more then a half block...None of my immediate neighbors have complained far as i know. my neighbors play BB and allow their dogs out off leash. Rocky is so well behaved it's ridiculouse..Best dog i've had by far! We all get along, except for my (airforce brody jett) neighbor from hell who by the way cut my neighbors cable went over his property...paranoia...My other neighbor (special forces) doesn't like him because he insulted his wife...One other thing...I thought rocky's license was good forever...but scraps...says i have to renue every year to the tune of 42$...But what really bugs me the most is: Women...Why do they all want to cut his nuts off ? He's a good boy, handles himself extremely well from the Hospital to Safeway...Most people could take a page out of his book and unlike most people I can trust him home alone. I actually took two sticks and placed them across from garage to house 10ft, and told him not to cross and he didn't ... I told him not to go in front or behind my neighbors...and he doesn't...I can't teach him to fetch the mail..the mailpeople classify him a good dog..but, amazingly he won't touch anything on the countertop...but i'm not goingb to tempt him with a t-bone either....
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  • Robert M Ramstad
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