Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gov't intrusion and thoughts on Israel

Facebook has changed their privacy policies...for example, i received a message posted by val on facebook but auto sent to me..I know, if val wants to send a message to me she doesn't need facebook.  The gov't sent me a message about veterans.  Maybe i'm an old crudmugion but, i don't want emergency messages from the gov't or the president.  As a member of the "duck and cover" generation.,.I deeply resent the gov't creating fear in my home or America in general.  The gov't treets its citizens like cattle, to be pushed around, herded,  propagandized and in general told what to believe, who to support and what to do.  I,m sick and tired of being part of a country which has become the greatest terrorist organization in history !  A country who foreign policy has resulted in 70 yrs of War.  A country which believes in "manifest destiny" like Israel who believes that they have a right to the "promised land"  As a born again christian i know my rights end where yours start..I personally believe the jews were given their promised land...Gods promise became manifest when jeruselem was established.  As a christian i believe they lost there right to Israel when they killed my christ, my messiah, my lord and savior.  The proof is in the diaspora where the jews were  scattered across the globe.  As far as i know God has not talked to them in 2000 yrs since he scattered them like leaves falling from a tree..They are sinners and must be born again in order for peace to come to them..  Just as in Christs time on earth they are too busy counting money and worshipping the golden calf to pay any attention to God..After 70 years of support i reject them and their nation.  One last thing American jews are the greatest traitors in American history.  One of them is in jail as i write.  They would sell the USA if the price was right.  The proof is in their American history..  If God wanted them in Israel he would make way for Josua blowing his horn and the walls came tumbling down.

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