Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Why the USA Government is a loser

 Dustin your comments suggest you were properly placed in gruntdom. Will you tell me your wages in grunt service compared to contractor wages..? 

Did you purposfully leave USA  military for higher pay as contractor.? 
The USA has lost every war since WW2.  Further, if you compare the estimated cost per kill 10 cents/kill by the Afganistan/Iraqi freedom fighters versus $1,000,000 /kill USA cost. Our economy is war based/ we must continuously demonize people so the fodder "supply" continues. 
What have the Iraqi/Afanistan people done to the USA.?

Do what you want to do.. believe what you want to believe..but..don't send your children to gruntdom..They may comeback minus their legs and balls. It doesn't cost very much to make an IED. 

The USA is war-mongering to the point that our own infastructure is falling bapart.. 

Our USA coalitions  Ferocity has reduced Iraq and Afganistan to rubble...Our contractors and president (bush) laugh about how Iraq/Afganistan are going to have to hire Halliburton et. al. to rebuild...

The damage i see is equal in ferocity to the Tsunami reducing whole neighborhoods to knee-hi ruble.

 And we claim to be agents of good ? 

The cost of reducing Iraq/Afganistan to rubble is estimated one trillion dollars and counting. You and your children will have continuing bills for taking care of American-grunts  until they die..  The right wing officier corps calls you hero's to your face and losers behind your back.  Like all vets you must believe the lies you are told, in order to survive.. Every kill on both sides puts money in the pockets of the rich war-mongers that care-not for the USA. 

The men and women who believed and put their balls tits and lives on the line while their officiers hide in the green-zone plotting they're next promotion...You don't need to believe the lies anymore and you can mourn your lost and injured comrades...

God Bless America.DailyKos

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