Saturday, April 25, 2015
well, this has been quite the trip, id like to go on vaca;;;but I'm doomed to go trippin !!!! i picked the wrong route, because i was afraid of the weather. however, i note it was snowing 10/12/09 in hood river,or. how about Spokane? i fought to keep my van running..the alternator finally quite. i pulled over in lordsburg, NM. the middle of nowhere..but it had a napa and an electrical shop. i had already put in a new alt in Tucson AZ. (which wasn't working)!!! the locals complained bitterly about excessive police presence. for about800 people..they have 11 local police, its the county seat,,so the sheriffs office is located there. they have the state police. finally they were surrounded by , the federals, homeland sec, borderpolice , DEA, FBI!! There is a roadblock on I 10. ARE YOU A US CITIZEN ??? insulting! i stopped in a small town, a local pointed out the border at first i couldnt see it.. then i realized that the long red train (seemed to go on forever) was in fact the concrete barrier; much like hwy divider-but 20 ft high . he no longer crossed over.. i myself got the treatment... the town is rotting,their must be 6 motels closed.. its almost like the police et al. are chasing the last dollar---half the houses were abandoned.. for them-the only way out of Town is their thumb or a coffin...on the other hand the cartels are now killing and kidnapping on our side of the border. i left I 10 at van horn tX and headed south for Del Rio, TX on st rt 90. at marfa, TX i stopped to mail a letter.. actually, their were about 4 bikes ,college type, a sure sign of yuppies their we weren't any Hispanics around and the town was prospering. it was part of a hotel complex ..i asked how much for a rm---145$/nite...i had pd 26$ the nite before queen bed etc stunning!! 50 mi north?? my first wasp town..of course the local sheriff had to ck out my USS minnow.. 10 ft and floats (almost) behind my van. people don't know what to make of me? i haft to laugh my passport is a clean drivers lic and a college ed. don't forget--- tail lites, lic plate etc---any excuse will do! i left for marathon, tx. strange things started to happen--i saw a blimp in the sky. first, i thought it was free-then it disappeared later it reappeared--i was relieved. it was tethered it is only a spy drone.. WHO DO u think its collecting info on? HUH!! on both sides of the rd. a lane of gravel--one side is some kind of fiber optic cable, which requires some kind of relay/power station--funny they always come in twos.. more
trip to texas, arizona
well, this has been quite the trip, id like to go on vaca;;;but I'm doomed to go trippin !!!! i picked the wrong route, because i was afraid of the weather. however, i note it was snowing 10/12/09 in hood river,or. how about Spokane? i fought to keep my van running..the alternator finally quite. i pulled over in lordsburg, NM. the middle of nowhere..but it had a napa and an electrical shop. i had already put in a new alt in Tucson AZ. (which wasn't working)!!! the locals complained bitterly about excessive police presence. for about800 people..they have 11 local police, its the county seat,,so the sheriffs office is located there. they have the state police. finally they were surrounded by , the federals, homeland sec, borderpolice , DEA, FBI!! There is a roadblock on I 10. ARE YOU A US CITIZEN ??? insulting! i stopped in a small town, a local pointed out the border at first i couldnt see it.. then i realized that the long red train (seemed to go on forever) was in fact the concrete barrier; much like hwy divider-but 20 ft high . he no longer crossed over.. i myself got the treatment... the town is rotting,their must be 6 motels closed.. its almost like the police et al. are chasing the last dollar---half the houses were abandoned.. for them-the only way out of Town is their thumb or a coffin...on the other hand the cartels are now killing and kidnapping on our side of the border. i left I 10 at van horn tX and headed south for Del Rio, TX on st rt 90. at marfa, TX i stopped to mail a letter.. actually, their were about 4 bikes ,college type, a sure sign of yuppies their we weren't any Hispanics around and the town was prospering. it was part of a hotel complex ..i asked how much for a rm---145$/nite...i had pd 26$ the nite before queen bed etc stunning!! 50 mi north?? my first wasp town..of course the local sheriff had to ck out my USS minnow.. 10 ft and floats (almost) behind my van. people don't know what to make of me? i haft to laugh my passport is a clean drivers lic and a college ed. don't forget--- tail lites, lic plate etc---any excuse will do! i left for marathon, tx. strange things started to happen--i saw a blimp in the sky. first, i thought it was free-then it disappeared later it reappeared--i was relieved. it was tethered it is only a spy drone.. WHO DO u think its collecting info on? HUH!! on both sides of the rd. a lane of gravel--one side is some kind of fiber optic cable, which requires some kind of relay/power station--funny they always come in twos.. more
Friday, April 24, 2015
Sprout Nip, Potatoes, Food bank, Wash ST.Potato Comission
What is spud nip ? When is it applied ? Why is it, my potatoes won't even rot in my compost pile ? will Sprot-Nip affect my garden ? I note that fields treated must be fallowed for a year. ????
Washington State Potato Commission Hi Robert, We're not familar with Spud Nip, but perhaps you mean Sprout Nip? Sprout Nip is a type of anti-sprouting agent that is applied to some potatoes, usually as they are being packed into boxes or bags. Clove oil is another common agent that is used for the same purpose. Both slow the growth of sprouts on potatoes. The potato is a living, breathing, organism and wants to start growing when you take it out of cold storage. These agents are applied to slow sprouting during transportation or while in distribution warehouses. They don't last very long so that is why your bag of potatoes will start sprouting if left under the kitchen sink or in another warm area of the house. Sprout Nip is never used in a field. To make your potatoes break down easier in compost, please scrap or peel a portion of the skin. The potato skin is a great barrier to fungus and bacteria so you have to scrape some of that skin away to allow the composting organisms to breakdown the potato. Hope this information answers your questions
Robert M Ramstad Once sprout-nip is used, the potato can no longer be considered Organic. The application is a chemical which is directly injested by people and esp children who are growing.. I was schocked that the potatoes sat in my compost pile for monthes all thru a summer of 80 degree days. They may still be there. I took my shovel and chopped them in half and they still didn't rot. I got no potatoes from my garden last summer because you applied this chemical without labeling the sacks as such. Frankly, the grower poisoned me, my garden and compost pile.. No one knows how many food bank recipients planted these potatoes, injested these potatoes. It is the height of irresponsibility to apply chemicals without telling the consumer. Finally you say sprout-nip is never used in fields, I beg to disagree, my information says that a field must not be planted (with potatoes) for a year...It must stay fallow.
My final question is: Who is the manufacturer of sprout-nip. What family of chemicals does it belong to.? Is it a growth hormone ? and how does it interact with children. ?
I luv Potatoes ! I loved the fingerling potatoes.. i quarter them and bake them...Giant french fries and so good... My mom always said that the skin of a potato is where all the nuitrients are. And i eat the whole thing. If clean i don't necessarily wash them. Will washing remove sprout-nip.. Label your potatoes.
Washington State Potato Commission Hi Robert, We're not familar with Spud Nip, but perhaps you mean Sprout Nip? Sprout Nip is a type of anti-sprouting agent that is applied to some potatoes, usually as they are being packed into boxes or bags. Clove oil is another common agent that is used for the same purpose. Both slow the growth of sprouts on potatoes. The potato is a living, breathing, organism and wants to start growing when you take it out of cold storage. These agents are applied to slow sprouting during transportation or while in distribution warehouses. They don't last very long so that is why your bag of potatoes will start sprouting if left under the kitchen sink or in another warm area of the house. Sprout Nip is never used in a field. To make your potatoes break down easier in compost, please scrap or peel a portion of the skin. The potato skin is a great barrier to fungus and bacteria so you have to scrape some of that skin away to allow the composting organisms to breakdown the potato. Hope this information answers your questions
Robert M Ramstad Once sprout-nip is used, the potato can no longer be considered Organic. The application is a chemical which is directly injested by people and esp children who are growing.. I was schocked that the potatoes sat in my compost pile for monthes all thru a summer of 80 degree days. They may still be there. I took my shovel and chopped them in half and they still didn't rot. I got no potatoes from my garden last summer because you applied this chemical without labeling the sacks as such. Frankly, the grower poisoned me, my garden and compost pile.. No one knows how many food bank recipients planted these potatoes, injested these potatoes. It is the height of irresponsibility to apply chemicals without telling the consumer. Finally you say sprout-nip is never used in fields, I beg to disagree, my information says that a field must not be planted (with potatoes) for a year...It must stay fallow.
My final question is: Who is the manufacturer of sprout-nip. What family of chemicals does it belong to.? Is it a growth hormone ? and how does it interact with children. ?
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Gobbledegook is the word of the day
six syllable words, leading the way
Gobble Gobble is turkey we know
but Gook is a word that only Spooks..
six syllable words, leading the way
Gobble Gobble is turkey we know
but Gook is a word that only Spooks..
support enforcement
Frankly from my pt of view...Men should pack their bags and leave the country. I was put into abject poverty by st of wa...and like most men never got to love my children.. Men should hire non american surrogate to have a family...hire a nanny u can fire themRobert M Ramstad The chances of having a 20 , 25 marriage are nil....and a very bad have no rights
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Potatoes Sprout-Nip and its effects
I had no idea that any chemicals were used on potatoes....I am shocked by the warnings about keeping these chemicals off potato fields for at least a year.
I took all of my potatoes and put them into my compost pile. I have used the red fingerling potatoes both in my garden and compost pile. The red fingerling potatoes, did Not germinate. in my garden and i,m worried about the long term damage to my garden. I,ve used caution about what i put in my compost pile and garden..I never use lawn clippings because of the use of "cides" which kill everything i love "LIFE" !
Now, I don,t know what i can put in my compost pile. I,m absolutely stunned to know i ingested poisoned potatoes. Potatoes which will not germinate.. After 6 months the potatoes have not rotted. They are sitting unchanged...indestructible in my compost pile.
I even used roottone on one potato hoping it would germinate. No such luck!What is sprout nip ? When is it applied ? Why is it my potatoes won't even rot in my compost pile ? will sprout nip affect my garden ? I note that fields treated must be fallowed for a year.
Sprout Nip is a type of anti-sprouting agent that is applied to some potatoes, usually as they are being packed into boxes or bags. Clove oil is another common agent that is used for the same purpose. Both slow the growth of sprouts on potatoes. The potato is a living, breathing, organism and wants to start growing when you take it out of cold storage. These agents are applied to slow sprouting during transportation or while in distribution warehouses. They don't last very long so that is why your bag of potatoes will start sprouting if left under the kitchen sink or in another warm area of the house. Sprout Nip is never used in a field. To make your potatoes break down easier in compost, please scrap or peel a portion of the skin. The potato skin is a great barrier to fungus and bacteria so you have to scrape some of that skin away to allow the composting organisms to breakdown the potato. Hope this information answers your questions .
Robert M Ramstad Once sprout-nip is used, the potato can no longer be considered Organic. The application is a chemical which is directly injested by people and esp children who are growing.. I was schocked that the potatoes sat in my compost pile for monthes all thru a summer of 80 degree days. They may still be there. I took my shovel nd chopped them in half and they still didn't rot. I got no potatoes from my garden last summer because you applied this chemical without labeling the sacks as such. Frankly, the grower poisoned me, my garden/compost pile.. No one knows how many food bank recipients planted these potatoes, injested these potatoes. It is the height of irresponsibility to apply chemicals without telling the consumer. Finally you say sprout-nip is never used in fields, I beg to disagree, my information says that a field must not be planted (with potatoes) for a year...It must stay fallow.
I luv Potatoes ! I loved the fingerling potatoes.. i quarter them and bake them...Giant french fries and so good... My mom always said that the skin of a potato is where all the nuitrients are. And i eat the whole thing. If clean i don't necessarily wash them. Will washing remove sprout-nip.. Label your potatoes.
Letter to Defense one
Who the hell is Dawisha...Why is she ? a Kremlin expert.
Russia has a very obvious need to be part of Europe. The "allies" are constantly stirring up trouble. The latest is the Illegal takeover of a soverign democratic state by the IMF, Germany and the USA.
I'm a supported of vladimir and i hope and pray that all Nato forces are killed or neutralized..
As an american i no longer support any activities of the USA Pentagon.
I believe that the geatest threat to the USA pentagon is the USA citizens.
I also believe that the USA pentagon deals drugs specifically heroin produced in afganistan and shipped to Pakistan and bought to the USA by diplomatic pouch..The same as heroin from colunbia.
I don't believe the DEpt of defense cares or works for the citizens of the USA. The term "Projection of power" tells the whole story..The usa forcing countries to "bended needs" As a usa citizen i wish the Iranians and russians kill and defeat any "projection of power" in their direction . I'm not interested in eating food stolen from kindergartners by the schoolyard bully....
I don't recall Yanukovich ever sending a letter of resignation.. As far as I am concerned the Ukraine Gov't is based in Donesk.. Please send a reference so i can read the letter of resignation.I don't recall Yanukovich ever sending a letter of resignation.. As far as I am concerned the Ukraine Gov't is based in Donesk.. Please send a reference so i can read the letter of resignation.
Russia has a very obvious need to be part of Europe. The "allies" are constantly stirring up trouble. The latest is the Illegal takeover of a soverign democratic state by the IMF, Germany and the USA.
I'm a supported of vladimir and i hope and pray that all Nato forces are killed or neutralized..
As an american i no longer support any activities of the USA Pentagon.
I believe that the geatest threat to the USA pentagon is the USA citizens.
I also believe that the USA pentagon deals drugs specifically heroin produced in afganistan and shipped to Pakistan and bought to the USA by diplomatic pouch..The same as heroin from colunbia.
I don't believe the DEpt of defense cares or works for the citizens of the USA. The term "Projection of power" tells the whole story..The usa forcing countries to "bended needs" As a usa citizen i wish the Iranians and russians kill and defeat any "projection of power" in their direction . I'm not interested in eating food stolen from kindergartners by the schoolyard bully....
I don't recall Yanukovich ever sending a letter of resignation.. As far as I am concerned the Ukraine Gov't is based in Donesk.. Please send a reference so i can read the letter of resignation.I don't recall Yanukovich ever sending a letter of resignation.. As far as I am concerned the Ukraine Gov't is based in Donesk.. Please send a reference so i can read the letter of resignation.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
The Color Blue
I've have got this scene going on involving the color blue I discovered quite by accident that blue has become part of my life. You see i have these blue wrap-arounds and Avista blankets of various colors and patterns. My plastic blinds broke, i replaced them with a blanket from Avista,I didn't have enough money to buy new. These cheap blankets covered my windows. I happened to hang them over my south exposed window after I had insulated them with avista plastic insulator packs.. That is the thin plastic film that they provide. I love them, easy to apply,double back tape and this year i triple insulated my windows and hung the blue wrap-around blanket over the south facing window and it immediatly started to heat my home. On my front windows, I've got a Avista red plaid blanket and on the other an avista brown plaid blanket. Both of these windows face east and in late spring and summer receive lots of heat ! I strongly believe in winter ventilation and i strongly believe in insulation, I've triple insulated all my windows this winter and my house is warm. Last winter the floor was very cold which kept my legs and feet cold. I knew that there are things i could do to stop the many airscapse flows. Windows were triple insulated with a plastic film, over windows and over double windows and then over the woodwork around the windows. I also put some blockage between windows, foaming glue, and plastic v-shaped plastic strips from Avista. So today i'm sitting in a nice and warm living room. The airflow around my two doors is controlled with once again an avista green plaid blanket and a rug.
But this is not why i'm telling you about the conversion of my south facing porch.
Fishing the mighty Spokane river
I've been told of possible colusion between the Health Dept "warning signs" and the Dept of Fish and Wildlife desire to protect red banded rainbows as "special" . This rainbow is really a landlocked steelhead trout and looks identical to steelhead in the Methow and Hood river .
My daughter, the Phd in fisheries genetics from U of Montana,Missoula, says the spokane redband is a distict sub-species. Regardless, the spokane rainbow is a beauty. When it gets spawing colors on it is like a floresent rainbow...really makes you say wow !
This is how it starts.
I had a bump or two -rock - wood or fish? When your new and you don,t know or have the feel it,s difficult.. But; when you know your shoulder comes up,the rod goes back and your momentarily part of the bottom-until it moves! You wonder? and cry: FISH ON! your heart skips. Suddenly, he his there watching the action. the rod tip goes comes down and flattens-the fish shows ya what. Hope my equiptment holds, did i tie my knot rt? have i checked my line for nicks. Are my hooks sharp enougth? rocky stands next to me-watching. The fish rolls, rockies eyes role at me.. The fish is big. i bring him in to shallow water--rocky gets in front of me. the fish rushes back and forth. rocky watches. I,m yelling get away,away. not rocky,he knows what his job is. Even if i don,t. The fish is lying on the edge of the beach, the spoon and treble hook plainly visible.. Please not his lip, not his eye -please.. rocky there now,fish is quiet dorsal comes down, rockies mouth surrounds and clamps. the fish wiggles, rocky clamps a little tighter. picks the fish up-turns and and gives him to me.. i,m dying i sink to my knees and hold my my hands out--unable to breath. and accept my gift. The fish is incredibly beautiful--copperchrome cheeks going to copper/red and pink n red dots--a milky way of redsuns pink planet on a universe of darkgreen and black dots..
I,am INTerrupted.
Why are you holding that fish against your chest? I look up-a kayaker in the middle of january. Why? why indeed? i,m stunned unable to answer. Why am i holding this fish to my chest,i,m content, the fish is content. i tell the man i,m trying to decide. Do You have a camera? yes click. I roll the fish-into the river .. an explosion-he,s gone. my eyes weep, my heart swells. thankyou Rocky. Thankyou Lord, Thankyou kyaker .
I never did receive that picture, but he said he was a Spokane Riverkeeper.
Would be nice. Still, I have the whole thing in my heart, What a day !
Reminds me of another spring day on the Hood...but that my friend is for another day.
Oh i long for the day where the river runs free, where you go out on this fine spring day and fish for the mighty Spokane race of Steelhead .. There would be a lot of head shaking on both sides and a mouth gapped open in disbelief . These are special fish Big Brawny and incredibly beautiful. I know, I've caught them .
It was late fall october i believe. I decided to toss some spinners and see what happened . I'd been reluctant to go down to the river, but with Rocky, my chief of staff. I decided to go fishing and boy did we have fun .
The Spokane redband is really a landlocked steelhead trout and looks identical to steelhead in the Methow and Hood riverMy daughter, the Phd in fisheries genetics from U of Montana,Missoula, says the spokane redband is a distict sub-species. Regardless, the spokane rainbow is a beauty. When it gets spawing colors on it is like a floresent rainbow...really makes you say wow !
This is how it starts.
I had a bump or two -rock - wood or fish? When your new and you don,t know or have the feel it,s difficult.. But; when you know your shoulder comes up,the rod goes back and your momentarily part of the bottom-until it moves! You wonder? and cry: FISH ON! your heart skips. Suddenly, he his there watching the action. the rod tip goes comes down and flattens-the fish shows ya what. Hope my equiptment holds, did i tie my knot rt? have i checked my line for nicks. Are my hooks sharp enougth? rocky stands next to me-watching. The fish rolls, rockies eyes role at me.. The fish is big. i bring him in to shallow water--rocky gets in front of me. the fish rushes back and forth. rocky watches. I,m yelling get away,away. not rocky,he knows what his job is. Even if i don,t. The fish is lying on the edge of the beach, the spoon and treble hook plainly visible.. Please not his lip, not his eye -please.. rocky there now,fish is quiet dorsal comes down, rockies mouth surrounds and clamps. the fish wiggles, rocky clamps a little tighter. picks the fish up-turns and and gives him to me.. i,m dying i sink to my knees and hold my my hands out--unable to breath. and accept my gift. The fish is incredibly beautiful--copperchrome cheeks going to copper/red and pink n red dots--a milky way of redsuns pink planet on a universe of darkgreen and black dots..
I,am INTerrupted.
Why are you holding that fish against your chest? I look up-a kayaker in the middle of january. Why? why indeed? i,m stunned unable to answer. Why am i holding this fish to my chest,i,m content, the fish is content. i tell the man i,m trying to decide. Do You have a camera? yes click. I roll the fish-into the river .. an explosion-he,s gone. my eyes weep, my heart swells. thankyou Rocky. Thankyou Lord, Thankyou kyaker .
I never did receive that picture, but he said he was a Spokane Riverkeeper.
Would be nice. Still, I have the whole thing in my heart, What a day !
Reminds me of another spring day on the Hood...but that my friend is for another day.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Suspicions ie. Homeland SecurityWatching..listening
Robert M Ramstad
Tom, i'm telling u privately about what happened this morn...nothing serious...but.. I've been a little interested in my next door neighbor chris. he's extremely intelligent, has his own shop ,has a foosball game every tues..I've been invited over but never really felt comffy...He tells me he retired green berate and fought in vietnam...Problem is ..he's to young has two girls 12 and 8 aprox..nice family. The next is a retired sharp shooter who drives truck...he returns normally fri afternoon..both these people are across alley. The air force punk who threatened me is in my backyard...Frankly, i don't believe what i've been told...chris's wife takes girls to and from school...But I've noticed that when he leavves and is gone for week she disappears with girls also..When he reappears she reappears...The quesstion is why? If he's working around town or even out of town, you would think she would keep to her routine. Because i feel uncomfort able when overthere i started watching him.. Most of his so called buddies are in their 20-30 he his in 40-50 to young to be V vet...his friends are to young to be fellow vets playing foosball... The whole thing doesn't add up. Today, a chevy silver kingcab Lic #B18159Y ..wa believe pulled in.. I happened to walk into the kitchen..noticed someone about to get out...The door was about 1/4 open...when i noticed i stopped to look ..the door closed..not completely.....I left the kitchen..The door started opening again....I appeared in kitchen ..door closed..I disappeared.. the door is 80% open...and slowly closes...And so it went....I'm sure that someone was watching me they shouldn't be ble to see me kitchen...I checked the house across at SS house, the upstairs blinds were open .normally cloised.. i checked chris house upstairs blinds were open... This went on for 30-45 min..opening door and then cl,osing it everytime i could see truck...No one ever did get out of truck...finally chris came out with two others i think one was SS man the other was wearing carhart bibs carrying old bbq...He proceeded to get into truck.. but strangely, He got into drivers side. I never did see who was opening door. I had assumed it was the driver...After they left, the family car left and then chris's white jeep ? left...Normally, i don't pay any attention to my neighbors.. I couldn't help but believe that something didn't add up overthere...I feel as if i was being observed one house or both..why else would the door open and the close every time i walked into the kitchen and the person never did get out...The SS guy is greybeard in 50's..even he is too young for vietnam...The mystery deepen..I just saw chris "I believe" walking towards one ways...I think it's him from black jacket looks suede, his walk and mannerisms even tho he had his back to me...It's none of my business, but i have a creepy feeling a feeling which i have never had before...I'll keep you posted

Western Foreign Policy for 21st century
I believe the turn to china is the start of a reformation..
I would like to see Russia and Ukraine both admitted to Nato at same time.
Germany and Russia equal.
USA leaves Nato and turns towards the east.
Iran and Israel become allies and with turkey,Egypt contain Arab Nations.
Russia and Germany guard Eastern to Vladavostoc.
Iran allow access to interior of Asia
I would like to see Russia and Ukraine both admitted to Nato at same time.
Germany and Russia equal.
USA leaves Nato and turns towards the east.
Iran and Israel become allies and with turkey,Egypt contain Arab Nations.
Russia and Germany guard Eastern to Vladavostoc.
Iran allow access to interior of Asia
Monday, April 13, 2015
Letter to KHQ
Robert M Ramstad · Top Commenter · Minnetonka Senior High School
Who was arrested ? Who owns the home ? Who pays the mortgage. How many people called in complaints ? What is a nuisance house ? when will this go to court ? The police say several hundred complaints did the police respond every time ? If not why not isn't that part of their job... Extremely poor reporting and i know why...It is because of the yardley development...your telling poor people to move...why would KHQ be part of the chamber of commerce Do you everyone or just the police...Extrordinaryily poor job ...You get an F
It's like the guy that was killed by sheriff swat team...It's like he never existed...I noted that the spokne police were there for 90 min.. then swat team showed up and killed him 30 min later. I find it amazing that the police negociated for 90 min then 30 min after swat shows up he's dead..walking ...out his front door as agreed he closed the door behind him (like his mom taught him) and as he brought his hand forward he was met 20+ bullets never had a chance to comply with the sheriffs orders.
Then their was the Gerlach murder...if you judge by the verdict, it means you have a right to murder someone.. me?..who maybe gathering mushrooms on your land or perhaps gathering cans in the alley. I never realized how nasty the people in Spokane, Wa Are... how easily led Spokane,wa right wing thugs Are..
I am ashamed to be an a sea of self-righteous, american spartans, who kill for a living, brag about it, selfish selfies. I myself have been threatened three times by guns whileout walking...Right here in Spokane wa
Make no doubt about it
By the way what about that 21 yr old killed by Gerlach...never heard another word about him...never heard about his family, his funeral or anything.. Gerlach himself is either an expert shot, retired military or he was extremely lucky to hit him twice thru the back window of moving vehicle. And No remorse . See More
It's like the guy that was killed by sheriff swat team...It's like he never existed...I noted that the spokne police were there for 90 min.. then swat team showed up and killed him 30 min later. I find it amazing that the police negociated for 90 min then 30 min after swat shows up he's dead..walking ...out his front door as agreed he closed the door behind him (like his mom taught him) and as he brought his hand forward he was met 20+ bullets never had a chance to comply with the sheriffs orders.
Then their was the Gerlach murder...if you judge by the verdict, it means you have a right to murder someone.. me?..who maybe gathering mushrooms on your land or perhaps gathering cans in the alley. I never realized how nasty the people in Spokane, Wa Are... how easily led Spokane,wa right wing thugs Are..
I am ashamed to be an a sea of self-righteous, american spartans, who kill for a living, brag about it, selfish selfies. I myself have been threatened three times by guns whileout walking...Right here in Spokane wa
Make no doubt about it
By the way what about that 21 yr old killed by Gerlach...never heard another word about him...never heard about his family, his funeral or anything.. Gerlach himself is either an expert shot, retired military or he was extremely lucky to hit him twice thru the back window of moving vehicle. And No remorse . See More
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