Friday, April 5, 2019

Theory on finding Morels

There is much to be done. If you wish to find something say a ski resort where would you look ? How many overlays would you use? Close to population base? How large a base? How much snow? How would you go about finding it?I'm going out this afternoon and check.

 Morels like heat and light, so Ill go up on Bald Moutain and Head high. Get up where the sun shines. 

When I first came to Spokane I didn't know where to find morels!  I decided to use the previous seasons (in White Salmon, Wa.) starting date. I decided to engaged Google maps and the angle of the sun on the previous starting date (I think 22 degrees N?  Then I took Google maps and looked for sunny slopes around Spokane.  I came up with minnehaha hill  'aka Bald Mtn.".   Further discoveries led me to following Wellsley, east up pass the oil tanks. I noticed that the power-lines had been visited and cleaned up by helicopter chain saw. These babies are about ten feet long and hang below the helicopter. They use them to keep the power lines free of brush. They also have a crew on the ground clearing trees and brush. I started finding morels next to downed trees. I believe that the tree heats up causing the morels to pop. A little later I found them along the edge of a 100 yd long ditch. The following year, they seemed to move into the mangled brush. that's where it all ended , I thought.  

      The following year I heard and saw that Bald Mtn was on fire.? two springs later, I went up past the oil terminal, to the power lines.  
Lo and behold I could see where the fire had gone thru. I briefly checked the conditions, it was too early age wise.   
For me, the next year, "actually last spring" was the time to give it a good look.
I saw Ryan Cogard and his kids. They were on the exact hillside I was planning on going to. At the time I didn't know him. The next day I took this lady and her great kids up to bald Mountain. They had never hunted before. Its a great place to putter around and teach the art and eye of a mushroom hunting. We had a great time!   She and her kids were great. Best of all, we all found mushrooms. I threw mine in with hers. Come to think of it, She owes me dinner. I'm hoping we "SNIF" can have pot luck some time this spring. maybe a picnic. Many of us don't have family and we should potlatch what we have.
My brief and unspectacular comments.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Deplorable McCandle

Jake McCandle United Nations is a waste of space and money kick the Communist bastards out of my country... #MAGA#TRUMP2020
  • Robert M Ramstad I assume your talking about Uk, Germany, Australia, etc etc. Everybody is a communist, except you and your approved white friends. Your a completely brain-washed deplorable veteran. Why do you hate the world?. Has any Democrat, socialist, or.communist in America hurt you directly. I'll bet your a H.S. grad, average grades, no real future,, so you joined the mercenary army to support yourself. You gave them your body and brain ... Now you believe only what you were taught by the military.. How many thousands of miles did you travel to do your evil deeds on the other side of the world. Did you walk into rural communities and enter their and waste poor dirt farmers.? ps I don't carry or own a gun do you?