The cop told me that I should not worry about the stop sign ticket because: It,s not a moving violation, so I shouldn't worry. OK. Several weeks later I went to pay the ticket in Wayzata , Mn. The clerk explained that it was a moving violation and that I now had 6 pts on my record. Three more and my license would be revoked. In a fit of anger I said "God Damn this fucking country I wish it would burn" The man standing next to me became very upset. It turned out that he was connected to the prosecutors office and wrote me a ticket for using foul language..* So i ended up in front of a judge. The Judge threw the ticket out. Where upon, the Prosecuter jumped up and said "But Your Honor Did You hear what he said?" The Judge said "Shut Up and sit down". Of course , I was greatly relieved, There were lots of patriots willing to hang me high.
All of this started with a cop lying to a young father and mother taking here first born for his first Easter-spring ride.
More importantly, My best Craig Egge had been killed after being in Vietnam 8 days.
Before he left for the marines, he told me that he wanted to prove himself a man. That was my second military funeral. I remember to this day Craig being rolled down the aisle, the last time i saw him he was walking and full of life. Once again taps, the folded flag, the incredible sadness..
I was ashamed of myself for the words I spoke.. To this day I,ve never mentioned it to anyone. for shame.
It,s been a longtime since then. America has continued it,s killing spree: 58,000 Americans most in there 20's some 18 like Craig. It was Nasty! punji sticks**, round the clock bombing of N. Vietnam, the Tet- offensive*** which heralded the coming end of the war. The USA had abandoned its village pacification program. The villagers were now our enemies, we killed them and burned their villages. In the most famous incident, "MeLai", Lieutenent Calley ordered his men to kill everyone. Three hundred fifty or so . Bodies everywhere!, babies, kids, moms, dads and old men /women... bodies everywhere...Village burned to the ground.. I learned recently that this was "standard operating procedure" in Cambodia. If villagers gave any help to the "Cong" Gooks" etc. the village was raised ie. burned to the ground. I believe that this behavior was what "Apocalypse Now" was/is about. A mad Cornel That was fighting beyond what was thought to be righteous.. Except for the fact that he kept his village safe and secure--in the end he,s had enough he waits for his executioner to arrive, to do his job. He mutters "the horror, The Horror" recalling the red cross vaccinating the children for polio. The villagers response ? They cut off the arm of every child because whites were enemies and not to be trusted. ":the Horror" a pile of little arms..The Colonel, hung the bodies of his enemies around the village. The Kmer Rouge took it a step further, they pilled skulls everywhere..
This same thing has been happening in Afghanistan. Simple villagers don,t understand vaccines..Why would we save 5 yr olds when were killing 15 yr olds? I remember how thrilled I was to be vaccinated against polio..Think about it. 58000 boys saved (vaccinated) , 58000 KIA.. Stupidity reigns
The war ended , unofficially, when our draftees started "fragging" their Officers who would not fight, would not go on patrol. They sat in their Bunkers cleaning their fingernails, while their men died in firefights and 100 other ways. So, our resourceful draftees started rolling grenades into the Officers bunkers.. This is when the war really ended. Of course, officially it ended with helicopters being pushed off carrier decks, to make room for more people...Of course the war didn,t really end until the Paris accords that our renowned Sec of State, "Dr Strangelove" Henri Kissinger arranged, with "Honor of course"
***Senator Ms. Bachman from Minnesota, in 2012 claimed this was where we turned the tide.
**bamboo sticks covered in feces, to be stepped on, * don,t remember all the details..
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Friday, October 7, 2016
A Better Way!
Practical advice for all Americans
Pragmatic dealings with the Worlds many demands
@JohnKerry @DeptofDefense @PresObama:
Abandon DominoTheory!
Embrace new 21st. Century World Policy
A World Space Organization of cooperation between all countries of the World. Starting with Russia, Europe, China, India and others who would like to journey to Mars and start our Worlds first incubator. We have Terriformed Earth, why not Terriform Mars? And,
Why Not give the World a new vision?, a Common Goal.?
America has pursued a reverse "Domino Theory" for the last 65? years.! The World today is involved in a predatoy relationship with the United States and it"s Allies.
This can not continue.
Lets have a New 21st. World Community Goal! A "NWCG" if you like! Powered by an agreement that new Spaceports will have to be built, that the Big Players, that are solvent, can certify a certain amout of cash or property (site) so the World can take part in going to Mars and living on Mars. The Worlds 1st. worthy, common Goal! Are we up to this task?, this common Dream?, or will we continue to follow "Manifest Destiny and the Domino Theory"? We have spent Trillions rubbleizing the World and killing everyone in sight. They hate us, and rightfully so. It can't continue! We need to change some of our plows into plowshares and make a new 21st. century Foreign Policy.
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